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Warum erscheinen nicht alle meine angepassten Felder als Optionen im Bot Builder?

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Zendesk Customer Care

Bearbeitet 27. Aug. 2024



4 Kommentare

Hi, is it possible to make fields in the flow Builder non-mandatory?



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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Laura,

Our team will continue to assist you on the support ticket you raised related to this question. Kindly check your email for updates. Thank you!


Hi Christine,

thanks for your reply! I thought it would be helpful if the answer was posted publicly for others to see. It doesn't seem to be a very complicated question after all. I will wait for a reply on my ticket then. :-)


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Laura,

The ticket fields appear to end-users depending on their current permissions. If the field has "customer can view/edit" you might need to update the permission so it can only be visible to agents only. It would be best if we can take a look at those fields specific to your account so we can provide the best possible solution. You'll get an update on the ticket soon! Thanks!


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