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Save Filters : Or allow us to Open in new tab

Gepostet 09. Sept. 2021

I'm using the new team page to find all of the users who I want to "demote" from agent to "Light agent"

Once I run my filter, and click on a new user, I'm not brought to a new page, my current page loads with the user I clicked on. Perhaps this should default to target="_blank"


Allow users to right click open in new tab


Implement the ability to save filters


All of the above. Thanks!



5 Kommentare


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Tom Dupuche

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @...,

Thanks for your feedback.

We do have saved filters on the roadmap but that is a bit further along. For your scenario I'm wondering if persisting the filter after you have clicked on the user would resolve your concern?

So the proposed scenario would be:

1. Apply the filter

2. Filter list is displayed

3. Click on a user and edit their access

4. Click "< Go to the Team members page"

5. Filter is still applied

6. Select next user from the filtered list

Keen on your thoughts on this approach.


Tom Dupuche

Senior Product Manager - Team & license management



I think just opening the user's profile in a new tab would work better


@... I would love to use the scenario you mentioned - is that something in the works? Because it doesn't work like that now (it just takes me back to the team members page with my filter gone). 



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Tom Dupuche

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @...,

We'll investigate if we can make it work that way. I'll keep you posted.


Tom Dupuche

Senior Product Manager - Team & license management



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Tom Dupuche

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @..., @..., @...,

Thanks for your great feedback around filters. We've now released an updated which remembers the filter selection after you view the detail of a Team member and return to the new Team members page.

Please give it a go and let us know what you think.


Tom Dupuche

Senior Product Manager - Team & license management



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