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Optional Setting for Return versus Submit and Tooltips to Help End Users in Chat
Gepostet 27. Aug. 2021
Situation: We have both Support/Chat Agents and End Users who are used to being able to send multiline requests or paragraphs by using the return button. We would appreciate a way to have an optional setting in Chat to allow a separate Chat submit button so that return could be used to have separate lines.
Currently, one needs to hit Shift + Enter to the chat to move to a different line prior to submitting. Also, if there was some sort of tool tip help functionality that could be allowed within the ZenDesk UI, we could at least let users know how to use the Shift + Enter to allow for multiline submission.
Business Impact: This affects both Chat Support agents who may prematurely submit responses and inadvertently create an overwhelming feeling for our customers--as well as any of our customers who are using chat support. As our customer base is very broad, we may have customers who do not know that there are work arounds to submission and get confused and then frustrated. As we deal with real estate, addresses are often in multi line format, so this will be a recurrent challenge. Not having this option degrades the user experience.
Current workaround: While there is an option to Shift + Enter to bypass the current return button, we do not have any tool tip function to be able to communicate this elegantly to our customers.
What we would have happen: Having a setting change where there could be a separate submit button would free our support agents and customers to use return button in the way that they are used to and would be the optimal solution. Additionally, allowing the ZenDesk UI to have tool tip type functionality would be huge--and make it much easier to communicate with our customers.
Thanks for considering our request!
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