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User created/updated Trigger
Gepostet 15. Juni 2021
We need to have a trigger that fires upon User creation or User update for many workflows. Having this would allow for excellent solutions for customers looking to automate user maintenance and webhooks using HTTP targets for other Databases or 3rd party middlewares.
8 Kommentare
Jake Partee
Definitely understand where you are coming from. Except I would want it to update my customer that their profile was updated, not agents
Étienne Cantin
Hi Jake, yes users include end-users or customers in your Zendesk instance. They can also be agents or admins.
Alex Vargas
Did any one find a solution for this ?
Currently am in this process and this problem.
Want to have the Zendesk Support create/update a user and also make an update to our database
Anselm Engle
We'd love to see this updated as well! We're trying to segment customers based on info in our database, but that only syncs after a user is created, so if the user is emailing us for the first time (ticket created and user created), and user tags cascade when the ticket is created, and THEN the user is updated... we have no way of updating the ticket at that point.
Rasmus Lynggaard
We're having the exact same issue as Anselm Engle and would love to see this functionality implemented.
Jacob the Moderator
While this is may not the solution everyone wants, I just want to mention that Zendesk Integration Services should be able to let you hook into events that triggers and automations can't, and perform more advanced actions.
Zendesk Integration Services | Zendesk Developer Docs
From ☝
Sarah Cullerton
This would be beneficial for us - we'd especially like to be able to manage restriction level based on user field values.
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
To add on to what Jacob the Moderator said, Zendesk Integration Services (ZIS) has events for user creation and user updates. Please see here for more details on the events. It can specifically send a request to an external system.