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visualisation chat
Gepostet 19. Feb. 2021
Is it possible for a chat communication to be displayed in What’sApp style (own comment on right side in color - enduser comment on the left). This visualisation will be rapidly understood by all agents and makes it easier to follow a conversation
4 Kommentare
René Boettger
Hello Bernard, Thanks for your question.
The way the visualisation in chat works is, that the visitors chat bubble will be displayed in the theme color of your WebWidget and the color of the Agent's response is displayed in grey by default (this cannot be changed)
However, you can change the main color of the Widget, by either using our Widget-API or directly changing it within the Widget-Customisation tab within your Zendesk Support.
I hope this was helpful. Please let us know, if you need further assistance.
I think you were talking about the agent interface, right @...?
Since you mentioned the agents' experience. And the agent doesn't really care about the web widget UI.
Bernard Moriau
@... - indeed, the issue is that a chat is sometimes difficult to understand when analysing a ticket.
Christian Scheumann
Got any new info here?