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Trigger or automation in a specific time period


Gepostet 04. Mai 2021

I am looking for a way to execute a trigger or automation in a specific time period.
E.g. in the time from 18:00-06:00 tickets should be displayed in a certain view.
Does anyone have a tip how to implement this ?



14 Kommentare

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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Bernd Hagemann,

Views are just live reports of existing tickets, so I might be off on my explanation based on a misunderstanding but here goes:

  1. Have the view look for a (new custom dropdown) field indicating 18:00-6:00. 
  2. Create a trigger to set the field to 18:00-6:00 when it sees "tag1800" or something similar
  3. Create an automation to add "tag1800" to tickets that meet your requirements.
  4. Don't forget to think about undoing it - for example, if you want to remove the tickets from that view after a certain time frame or other event, create a way to reset the field and remove the "tag1800" so the process can restart.

Happy Zendesking!


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Andrew J

Community Moderator

Not sure that will work Heather, I can't see anything in there that actually makes a time based action.

Bernd, is this from an automation following ticket creation or would it be following other comments?
I have half an idea, I think we could set a time based tag as heather suggests using liquid in a trigger.
Any easier option might be to around the change of date, midnight.
Not sure I can form a complete solution yet, maybe Heather might be able to explain further or expand on this.


Hi Heather and Andrew,

thank you very much for the answers.
I'm still relatively new but I actually don't see the possibility to execute a time based action with Heather.
I would like to make tickets that arrive during the night shift visible to the corresponding employees working at night in a specific folder.


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Andrew J

Community Moderator

I see, if it is based on creation time it's easier.
You'd have to use liquid to create if/else options for when created, and tag night_hours if within timeframe you set.
I'm a little unsure where you'd do this best. My go-to is using an http target, but this isn't best practice. Will see if another mod can help...


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Jacob the Moderator

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hi @...

If your Zendesk is above the "Team" plan, you might want to consider using a schedule to define your working hours. Working hours can be used in triggers to perform actions on tickets (create or updated) within- or outside of business hours, and it seems to be what you're looking for here.

More about schedules and triggering here:


I hope that helps you out.


Hi Jacob ,
thank you very much for the answer.
The idea with the business hours also came to me.
But the situation is as follows: there are different locations with different opening hours. Outside the opening hours of the respective locations, the 24/7 team should take over the tickets of the locations.


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Jacob the Moderator

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

OK, if you have set up triggers to apply those schedules already, below those you can have another trigger that catches any ticket created outside of business hours in your schedules, like so:

  • Location 1 -> set Schedule A
  • Location 2 -> set Schedule B
  • Location 3 -> set Schedule C
  • Ticket created outside business hours -> Set (group/tag/assignee or whatever you want to use to differentiate these tickets from the rest)

Hope that makes sense 😃


Hi Jacob,

that helped me a lot.
i will have the trigger set a day "out of hours". These tickets labeled this way will be shown to the night shift in a special view.
Do you think there is a way to hide these tickets again when the night shift are finished (within the opening hours) ?


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Jacob the Moderator

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hi Bernd,

Im glad it helped you out.
If you want tickets to remain with a specific set of agents, i would recommend creating groups for each location, including those handling off hours. This will let you create views that only show tickets available for said group.
You can read some more best practice for views here:


We need to have all tickets auto-assigned to an agent at a certain time, e.g., at 16:30. I searched event create a trigger or automation but don't find a way.

Any suggestion?  


Hi Suhan,
Because time definitions are relative based on timezone there are no direct automation conditions which reference clock time for activation.  Automations also only run once an hour at the start of the hour so there is no guarantee that the automation will start processing exactly at a specified time.
You would likely be best served creating a ticket view that allows your agent that is monitoring things after 4:30 pm full visibility to tickets regardless of who is assigned to the ticket.  This would allow them to see items which still require responses, have replied outside after 4:30 pm, and not disrupt ticket ownership when staff are back the next day.

Another option is to have an office schedule (see https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408842938522-Setting-your-schedule-with-business-hours-and-holidays) set with hours ending at 4:30 pm and a trigger that activates if you are outside of Office Hours when a ticket is updated by a customer response.  You could have the action on this be assigning the ticket to your agent directly, or just sending them an email update to check the ticket.  However, this would only apply to tickets that receive an update when you are outside of business hours and not ticket that have been unanswered or are waiting on action before office hours end.
I hope this helps!


Thank you, Abe.

I tried to create a schedule and use it as the condition for the trigger. I tried it by using Schedule is the hour and Schedule is not the hour, but neither of them works. 

I offered the customer that I can create a report with unassigned tickets' information and delivery it to the agent at 4:30 PM daily. and waiting for their response.



Hi Suhan,
This may be where building a ticket view would be more reliable for the post-4:30 workflow as that will display all active information in your system without requiring alteration of the ticket data, as opposed to system triggers which would only shift tickets if they received an active update during the "off hours" portion of a programmed schedule.


Yeah, creating a ticket view for the agent is a good idea. 

Thanks, Abe.


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