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unqualified_reason_id missing from Deal firehose API


Gepostet 18. Aug. 2021

I have an application that consumes from the firehose API /v3/deals/stream endpoint and the unqualified_reason_id field is not present.

If I query /v2/deals, then the unqualified_reason_id field is present.

Are there plans to add unqualified_reason_id to the firehose API for deals so that it matches v2 endpoint?



2 Kommentare

Hi Emily, thanks for the question. Sadly, for now, this is not on our roadmap. However, if you think that could be useful for you or other users please leave feedback directly to our Product Team on this forum https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/360003042793--Feedback-on-Sell. They read it directly and take feature requests.

Warm Regards

Kaja Błachowicz | Zendesk Sell | Technical Support Engineer Visit our Support Center


Thanks Kaja, I'll post it there.


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