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Wrap Up Time
Gepostet 08. Sept. 2021
I would like to account for all wrap up time associated with an interaction within that specific call data. Is there a way for an agent to extend the wrap up time for a specific interaction if additional time is needed?
7 Kommentare
Dave Dyson
Hi Jennifer,
Yes! You can enable wrap-up time on any Talk line, allowing your agents to do whatever they need to do before making themselves available for the next call: Managing Talk line settings will show you how to enable this, and Ending Talk calls mentions how agents are assumed to be in wrap-up mode after a call ends, until they set themselves as available again.
Tracy Scuderi
Hi there,
If there is a maximum time limit set on a phone line, is there a way for an agent to extend wrap-up time on calls where the maximum time set is not enough?
In addition, looking Zendesk Explore, I can see that there are instances of wrap-up time longer than the maximum set. How would this have happend?
Brandon Tidd
Hey Tracy Scuderi -
If agents are needing more time beyond the wait time, they can temporarily set themselves to 'Away' until they are done handling the ticket. This will prevent them from receiving another call.
If the wrap-up time was previously longer or set to unlimited, historical data might have breached your current thresholds. Otherwise, you'd have to dig into specific tickets and call legs to get a better understanding of what's happening there.
Hope this helps!
Stephan Marzi
Thank you for your questions and comments. This is quite interesting for me.
Regards, Stephan
Tracy Scuderi
Hi Brandon,
It has taken a while, but i have discovered what has occurred and why.
It would appear that when assessing WUT and Talk Time at the Call level, it is a summation of each of those attributes for each leg of the call. Therefore, the calls that display a WUT higher than the max time set for that phone number all have been transferred at least once, and each Leg Wrap-up Time Duration (and Talk Time) is summed up in the Call Wrap-Up Time Duration.
To replicate this, I used the following metrics and attributes:
Attributes (Row)
Brandon Tidd
Oh that's really interesting - thank you for sharing that! This is a perfect example of what I love most about this community - we're all learning together.
Brett Bowser
Agree with Brandon! Thanks so much for sharing your solution Tracy Scuderi :)