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Auto Logout from Talk (Agent forgets to logoff at end of shift)


Gepostet 31. Jan. 2017

In instances where agents forget to log off from Talk at the end of shift, calls will continue to route to them even with their computer shutdown.

It may be many hours and missed calls later before this is picked up and another agent can force unavailability from https://YOURDOMAIN.zendesk.com/agent/reporting/voice/period:0

These missed calls transfer to a direct negative experience to the actual customer (longer hold times, force to voicemail, abandoned calls).

Zendesk should be able to pick up this scenario and force an automatic system logout. 





44 Kommentare


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Volkan Akdugan

Zendesk Product Manager


I just wanted to provide a few quick updates. Agent Idle Timeout feature is currently being developed and is planned to be launched in Q1 2023. The capability will be delivered as part of Omnichannel Routing, so it will be available to all accounts that have Omnichannel Routing enabled. Please let me know if you have any further questions.



The same experience here.

Zendesk chat should automatically manage the agents login sessions. The ideal behaviour is to ask for confirmation to prevent accidental closing of webpage and automatically logout the agent if the webpage is closed. If that specific agent had active chats, these chats should be transferred to any other available agent. This will help in case of some hardware/software errors.

Another feature that will make things easier is to have an automatic welcome message that can use the agent and customer names. If the client John opens the chat and is assigned to Bob he should receive an automated welcome message like: Hello John and welcome to Enterprise. My name is Bob, how can I help?

These requirements should not be something impossible for the chat development team.



This should be addressed. If possible, closing the your browser should automatically make you unavailable on Talk. Another solution, or in addition, is that if you have been inactive for a certain amount of time Talk could talk you off of availability. 


I agree, this would be a nice feature to have with Talk. 


This is a constant issue for me.  I absolutely LOVE my team but let us be honest, we're all human LOL  From time to time especially on busy days they forget to log out and as previous posters have described chat request are allowed to funnel in providing a negative experience.


I would like to expand upon the enhancement request made for an auto-log out.  Either in addition or a possible alternative is for designated admins to have an ability to force log out.  Perhaps under the chat management portal, list the chat agents logged in at any given time, with a button-click option to force log out.


This way even if an auto logout with a timeout is added, we as admins do not have to necessarily wait for it to be triggered...instead we can instantly log out our chat agents.


Hi there, I agree this would be great to have,


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Eduardo - 

The length of time since the original post is not a big factor in how we make product development decisions, and not everything requested gets built. We receive over 200 product feedback ideas every week. 

We'll check in with the product team to see if this is something they're considering or working on, but it doesn't appear that we've received a significant amount of feedback on this particular functionality to date. 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

I'll add that there are some API workarounds available for changing agent status, described in this comment


Another issue with ZenDesk talk. We moved away from ZenDesk entirely several years ago because talk simply didn't have enterprise-grade call center capabilities when it came to phone. Coming back to talk now that it is more developed is great but I can't believe how many things I keep finding that aren't available. It is truly baffling. 

This is an essential function. If an agent closes out their browser, talk needs to set the agent offline.  If an agent misses 2 calls consecutively it should also switch the agent to an offline status.

Setting business hours helps somewhat for after hours but during business one agent might go to break and forgets to go offline. It is a pain to have to monitor this throughout the day on top of other tasks.


"It's a feature not a bug"


Hey Nicole, can you repost those articles for a possible workaround? Looks like the links on the actual page once you get there are dead


I'd like to add my own use case, which is slightly different from those outlined here. Our support team does on call phone-only rotation for the holidays. This means that each person on support covers a shift of X hours and their phones are on for ZD talk during this time. Due to the manual effort of turning the phones on/off per agent, this becomes inconvenient for agents that cover in the middle of the night. This means that an agent may need to wake up in the middle of the night (12-8 am) just to switch themselves off and put the next person on. It would be great to have a way for non-technical teams to automate this. For instance, we use PagerDuty to alert us of urgent tickets and create the on call schedule. If we could integrate Talk with this to automate turning the agent on/off for their on call, that would be great!


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for the detailed feedback, Irina!


A potential interim solution could be to add the ability for non-admin role to set agents to 'unavailable' status in talk (as a designated role permission setting). Admin role in tools is typically segregated for system wide config or high security tasks.

To have the ability to force agents to 'unavailable' status in talk is useful, but to have it at admin level only either means admin needs to be available 24/7 or create a potential security risk in providing admin status to non 'admin' users. 



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Neil Weldon

Zendesk Product Manager

We do have a set of APIs for changing the state of an agent's availability. These are documented on developer.zendesk.com. Where we recognise the need for more granular permissions for Admins, Team Leads and Agents, in the interim building an App using these APIs which is made available to the right agents may be a solution.



Neil Weldon | Director of Product


C'mon, Zendesk, be good to us and help us eliminate busy-work as you do so well!


I think this is a pretty straight-forward one. If an agent missed 1 or 2 calls just auto-change them to "away" or "offline." 


I am in agreement with this. It should put agents offline as soon as the schedule ends for the day. Also, if they close their browser it should change their status to Away or Offline. I don't like having to remember to check and make sure everyone changed their status at the end of every day. Also, if someone forgets to change their status, it skews the reporting making the data unreliable for productivity.

It's shocking to see that people have been requesting this for 2 years, but no changes have been made.


I agree that this is a big miss on ZD Talk. It's a basic call-center necessity. I'm surprised this request hasn't received any traction.


I also agree, the ability to auto log agents out at the end of the work day should be an option and I am disappointed that introducing this additional functionality isn't seen as a priority. 


This has been requested for 3 years now. Surely this has to have gained some traction. It is maddening that I have to keep a constant eye on my agent's statuses to make sure they are logged off at the end of their shifts. It's just not a good use of my time.

If I could create a trigger based on an agent's schedule that would automatically log them off if their total online time exceeds 8 hours, that would be amazing! Otherwise, I have calls still being routed to agents who ended their shift and gone home.

Can we get an update on whether Zendesk has anything in development to resolve this?


This is something which is an ongoing issue for us too! Does anyone know if this is going to be an option soon?




It is becoming apparent that Zendesk has gone down the deadly path of many other software companies.  They are continuing to add products to their software suite and failing to improve their existing products.  Zendesk Talk has been missing feature for years that all of us have been waiting and there is literally no movement.  No road-map, no communication, nothing.

Our organization was growing with Zendesk and now we are starting to look at other solutions because they just don't listen.  We are not going to develop and maintain features using their API when they should already existing in the solution.  

Zendesk, start improving the solution or you will lose customers!



I believe what Zendesk shows its users through this and many other highly-requested features for small businesses is that small accounts don't really move the needle of development prioritization for Zendesk. 


And the funny thing is that small business most likely make up most of the business, especially for talk.  There is no way Talk meets Enterprise needs with all these missing call center features.


Hi there,


We've run into this issue as well. +1 




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Leah Hughes

Zendesk Employee

We're excited to let you know that we are planning to solve for this need. We understand that this is a need for many of our customers and are excited about its potentially impact on your Talk metrics. We'll keep you updated when we have more info to share. 


Good to hear this will be implemented finally.


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