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Help Center: Reusable content
Gepostet 18. März 2015
We're working on providing both per-page help content for our app, but we also want to be able to provide workflow-based documentation. To that end, I'm surprised that the Help Center doesn't allow for any reusable content.
What I'm requesting is similar to the "include" or "transclude" syntax in wikis - there's a pretty good Atlassian doc page about what I'm asking about: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Excerpt+Macro This same feature is available in FrameMaker as "insets", and they're really important for working with highly structured documentation.
In a single-source environment, you mark a section of text from Page A as reusable, and basically set a URL that can be called to invoke the part you've marked for re-use. When you add a reference to that content in Page B, it displays the Page A content (usually) wrapped in the Page B content.
So for example I have a Help Center topic about what to do if you lose your card. There are a couple of other situations when you'd do exactly the same thing as if you'd lost your card, so I want to mark that procedure as reusable, and include it in the help center topics for those other situations. This way if, for example, the "freeze my card" help phone number included in that process changes, I only have to update it in one place, and not go hunting across the entire help center for any reference to that number.
33 Kommentare
Shawna James
Peter Cimring
Thanks, Shawna James
Yes - that's what I was looking for :)
But I don't see that option, presumably bc we are on the Professional Plan (and not the Enterprise Plan).
Out of curiosity, who can we contact to find out more about updating our plan?
Shawna James