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Problem and Incident tickets - need a way to view the subject and detail of all incident tickets against a problem ticket, or vice versa
Gepostet 11. Sept. 2020
We've recently implemented using linked Problem and Incident tickets, but without being able to do either of the following, we might as well be using tags or resorting to duplicating input.
a) Create a View of all open Incident tickets including their Ticket Problem ID
b) Have the option to report on open incident tickets and pull in subject/detail or custom fields from the Problem ticket in an Explore query.
We have a couple of Explore queries on a dashboard - one of which returns the count of Incidents per Problem ticket, which is great as this means we're able to prioritise work for our development team, and a second report which lists all of the incident calls with their linked problem ID - I cannot see a way to also link in the subject or detail of the Problem call however, which is quite crucial to the way we work.
Hope you can help!
44 Kommentare
Melissa Rush
Any updates from ZD dev team?
Luma Lopes
Any updates?
Phillip Krieg
+1 we really need this feature
Mark Leci
We'd love to have this too - specifically our need is to pull a report that shows open problem tickets with the subject, count of incident tickets and total ARR (a custom organization field). I can do all of these except the subject.
Avalanche Support
Upvoting this idea. I have been squeezing my mind to come up with a workaround to display the problem subject next to its ID in explore so that I can actually get an informative query, but I can't do much.
Best I could do was unifying the subject in all incidents of the same problem and add the ticket subject to the attributes. However, when an agent forgets to use the exact same subject with the exact same letter cases and just leaves the end-user's default subject until ticket is closed, the query becomes inefficient.
Also would love to be able to customise the incidents view from the parent problem.
Tina Yates
I'm looking for a what to report on the attribute of "Linked problem" ; when will it be added into Explore? What is the point of the attribute if you can't report on it, you are forcing us to create a custom attribute for something that already exists.
DJ Yoder
Agree with everyone here, I'm trying to come up with a simple report of a list of problem tickets with a metric column of number of incidents raised against that problem. Seems like that should be pretty standard report in terms of incident management.
We do a TON of problem/linked tickets. The fact that I can't report on them, create a view on them or run triggers/automation on them is extremely frustrating. The relationship obviously exists.
This would be a great addition! Much needed.
Anjie Nambiar
This is extremely important and is really affecting our work.
Lisa Springall
We are starting to utilise the problem ticket option within Zendesk as part of our problem management process & we need the ability to be able to pull all open problem tickets & any incidents associated with the open problem. Currently if we apply a status filter so that we only pull back open problems but associated closed incidents it's impossible to do. There needs to be the ability to do this to allow for accurate reporting on problem management.
Marcia Gallicchio
We need this as well - as it is critical to our Incident level reporting for Executive visibility. Is there anyway we can get an update? Thanks
Joel Mayer
I voted a while ago, but commenting now to agree with others here. The data is there, but can't be reported on. Been patient, but saying now that I NEED IT!
Gareth Elsby
We're about to launch problem/incident tickets on our team and it's super disappointing that we can't get the problem subject data against the linked incidents report. We want to share this information to the product teams, who may not be able to drill into the individual tickets. We also would like to automate a report to our finance team that shows the total number of refunds applied to a given problem ticket.
Philip MacCabe
Agreed it is frustrating you can aggregate Incidents by Problem Ticket ID but not just see the incident count as a value of the Problem ticket itself, along with its Subject & other fields in Explore, given you do see it looking at the Problem ticket in Support. Maybe there is a way to make that a calculated metric I'm not seeing. It would be nice if it was just included somehow as the system obviously calculates it for you when you load an individual one in ZD Support.
Harriet K
+1 to this, the Problem reporting options in Explore don't help maximise the use of the Problem Type, and the lack of Problem Subject Line means there's a lot of cross-referencing having to go on to figure out what's happening. It's also not possible to filter by Problem status, i.e. see which Problems are new/open as opposed to the Incident status when you're wanting to see the count of incidents against a Problem.
We need to see
- All New/Open Problems
- The Date the Problem was created (just the Problem created date, not the dates of any incidents linked to it)
- Their Subject lines
- The number of Incidents linked to that problem (currently regardless of ticket status, but I can see user cases for wanting to filter the status of incident tickets as well)
At the moment this doesn't appear to be possible, but if anyone has made this work I'd love to see how :D
This is such a huge oversight in the Explore product. We absolutely need to be able to view at minimum the Problem Ticket Subject in line with the incident counts! It's absolutely absurd there's no movement or feedback from Zendesk on this.
As of now, in order to get this detail, I have to create multiple queries, export them, create a new chart out of excel, when in reality this should be an in built feature in Explore!!!!
Seriously, Zendesk, what gives?
Ben Fulton
We are frustrated by this miss in the reporting as well. I would like to report open Problem tickets sorted by Incident count to help our engineers prioritize fixes.
+1 on this!
Amy Spagnolo
+1 we need to report on our customer base reporting issues and how those issues get resolved and we need the ability to cross reference data between incidents (like org name) and problem (like ticket fields in problem ticket).
Grzegorz Ksiazek
Hey Zendesk POs, the way you treat Problem tickets is a travesty, please could you look into this, this has been here for 20 months!
Reshma Patel
100% need this. One of our goals is to increase the number of incidents linked to problem tickets so we can provide data to the engineering team. We have no way of knowing what incidents are linked to a problem as the linked problem field is not available in views or explore. What do you recommend as opposed to clicking into each incident?
Hey Reshma Patel
You should be able to report on the count of incidents by problem ID, but you won't be able to see any details about the Problem tickets themselves on the report. If you do know the problem ticket IDs you can filter it, but from the report itself you can only pull ticket details from the incidents (since that's the metric) and nothing about the problem itself. If you only need incident counts, these should work for you.

Reshma Patel
I wouldn't need to know how many incidents are tied to a problem. I would need to ensure that every incident is tied to a problem.
Got it - You could use the COUNT(Tickets), add a filter for ticket type (incident), add the Ticket problem ID then filter the Ticket problem ID to Null and it should return the count of all non-associated incidents.
You could add other attributes like Ticket ID, subject or other ticket fields and that will return the details of the incident ticket that is unassociated, which may help you identify which problem it should be attached to, but I understand if this may not be what you're looking for.
Overall, problem and incident reporting in explore is pretty garbage in my experience, but I hope this might help at least a bit.
Elle Tucker
+1 on this issue. We really need to be able to see the problem ticket subject, and report directly on problem tickets and # of linked tickets.
David Rowe
+1 for this, it would be great to be able to see a report showing the problem ticket ID, the subject, and the number of related incidents.
Even better I would love to be able to build a view that shows problem tickets, with a column showing the number of linked tickets so I can sort by smallest/largest
Nancy Hepinstall
+1. We're looking to automate our Problem Management process. Improved problem/incident relationships in Explore would make it easier to provide status summaries to our management team and targeted reports for assignees to prioritize work and escalations.
Support Operations Manager
+1 - would love to see this built into ZD Explore.
For anyone who is trying to find a workaround, I've added an example SQL query based on data from the Zendesk Tickets endpoint. If you are sending your Zendesk data to a warehouse / business intelligence tool, you can construct reporting on Problem / Incident tickets outside of Zendesk Explore.
The result of the below query will create a list of Problem Tickets, with the Created Date, Updated Date, Status, Subject, Assignee, as well as a sum of Total Handle Time custom field (created by the Zendesk Time Tracking App) for all Incident tickets that are linked to the Problem ticket, a calculation for Days Open, and a count for the # of Incidents linked.
Still hoping this can be implemented in Explore eventually, but hope this saves someone some time in the future as a starting point.
USER_NAME as "Assignee",
AND A.TYPE = 'incident'
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
If you are using a BI tool such as Redash, you can embed the results into a Google Sheet and create pivot tables (Recently created, Recently Updated, Most Incidents, Trending (Last 30d), Most Handle Time, Longest Open).
Mitzi Broom
Hi Zendesk
How many upvotes does a request need before you can consider it for development? At 50 I would have thought this affects a fairly large number of Zendesk users?