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Out of Office app - official feature request thread
Gepostet 13. März 2020
This is the official feedback topic for Out of Office. Please refer to the guidelines on feedback posts for Built by Zendesk apps (https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360040001354-Feedback-on-Built-by-Zendesk-Apps-General-Guidelines) before posting here. We’ll try our best to check this and respond to your queries. Thank you for taking a moment to submit your feedback!
If you see a suggestion for a feature below that you would also find useful, please feel free to upvote it so that we can focus on features that would help the most users!
If you're looking for information on setup or use, please see the instruction article here: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204076066-Installing-and-using-the-Out-of-Office-v2-app
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