Drag and drop for ticket tabs
Gepostet 16. Nov. 2018
I work in support for NewBlueFX and pretty much live in Zendesk. I've been really loving all the recent new features/optimization.
My only big suggestion is being able to drag and drop ticket tabs to reorder them as needed. This can be really frustrating sometimes when I have 10+ tabs open and just want to move up one ticket because I need to go through and close all/most of my tabs and then reopen them in the order I want. I run into this a few times a day on average.
30 Kommentare
Nicole Saunders
Glad to hear things are going well, Seth!
Thanks for the feedback on the ticket tabs. We'll be interested to hear from other users if they have similar needs.
Thomas D'Hoe
Indeed, this would be great.
Als a button "close all tabs" would be nice!
I agree, Thomas.
Amy Martindale
Of course we would find that useful. Being able to group related tickets would be extremely helpful, as would being able to open a ticket in a new browser window. As it is, I have to figure out which tickets I want to group; manually open a separate browser window for them; then start opening the tickets I'm interested in.
You've got a thread here from 2014 with users requesting the same thing: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/203446406-Tab-reordering-
Thanks for the link, Amy.
Sorry for the duplicate thread, didn't see that when I searched.
Ron Hanhy
I would love to have this upgrade as well. I use Zendesk every day and often wish I had the ability to click, drag, and reorder ticket tabs.
My work around for this has been the same as what Seth Christofer listed above. Close all tabs and open again in the order I want them in. Time consuming and difficult to do when I have many ticket tabs open at once.
Are there any plans to add this feature or has it been shelved for now?
Alex Grant
This is kind of a poor way to field suggestions for functionality. I had to make an account just to upvote this. I am 100% positive that every day users of Zen Desk would benefit from this seemingly standard functionality of other CRM tools.
Tsvetan Marinov
Come on Zendesk, make your customers more happy with something so small, but so useful. Reordering the tabs is something which you should do a long time ago. Also, please remove that limitation for the tabs, where if you open +10 tickets it starts hiding them. Just make the tabs smaller, but don't hide them or at least set a user option where people can choose how it should work for them.
David Aigler
I would also like to upvote OP's request for ability to move ticket tabs around. It would improve the usability of the product for our team.
That would be a great update for Zendesk and I presume that a lot of potential customers will migrate from other helpdesks to Zen for it
Heather Rommel
Yes as stated earlier in this thread, more control over the tabs, like "clear all tabs" or "close tabs".
Something like this:
Jack Dimitrievski
I would also like to upvote OP's request for the ability to move ticket tabs around.
Also, Use Mouse Wheel to Close Tabs will be a great feature that will fit current industry standards
Pat Harland-Lee
Yes please! Any updates on this Zendesk?
Eleanor Best
My team and I would also find tab rearranging incredibly useful, and the "close all tabs" function as well.
Jessica Girod
This function would be amazing!! I often find myself trying to rearrange my tabs within Zendesk and have to close out and reorder. It can be tedious and time consuming. If we could move them ourselves that would be wildly beneficial.
Manuel Torres
Voting on this Idea would love to see the option to move tabs and arrange on an order that helps keeps ticket views clean.
Also, is there a hotkey in Zendesk that would allow us to move into tabs? For example, in Chrome, you can hit Command + 2, Command +3 to switch between tabs.
Gigi Reist
Popping in from 2022 also requesting this feature!
Melik Atabeyli
Almost closing to 4 years on this... How hard can it be to code this? Less than 50 lines I would assume, come on you should focus on stuff like this instead of other, this is higher priority. Especially 4 years gone past, just make it so we can rearrange the ticket tabs.
Dave Dyson
Zac Garcia
Hi all,
Thank you for the deep engagement over dragging and dropping. Tabs are an important part of how work is managed in Zendesk, and we recognize that dragging and dropping is one function that can help agents organize and prioritize work. This functionality is not a near-term plan, but we will continue to account for it in our roadmap planning!
Tom Woodman
This would be extremely useful. Several times I have tried to do as such and I finally reached out to my internal IT team who shared that it was a ZD limitation and linked this thread.
Would be great to have this feature (but then also be able to 'pin' certain tickets too)
Ich wäre ebenfalls für den Vorschlag, alle offenen Tabs per Klick schließen zu können. Das Ausloggen und neu einloggen ist zu umständlich, denn damit mache ich es derzeit.
Viele Grüße
Zac Garcia We're migrating from legacy Zendesk chat to the Agent workspace and the first feature request from agents is to let them rearrange (drag) tabs as they need. While I was looking for this post, I've seen a lot of similar requests from Zendesk clients. Is this feature on Zendesk roadmap?
Sam Kelly
The ability to drag and drop the tabs is something our business is also asking for. It would help with their ticket prioritisation, and grouping of customer requests.
It would be good to know if this functionality is now on your roadmap.
Jakub Raduszewski
It would be great to have an update about this suggestion. A great idea that has been pending here for years.
Jill Bragg
Hey team,
Any chance this has made it onto any roadmaps? This would be a really useful feature, and I'm having agents reach out about it as well.
Sydney Neubauer
+1 I run into this all the time - where you open a bunch of tickets but then click on follow ups and they open at the end of the list rather then beside the ticket that it is related to. The ONLY option you have is to close the tickets in between then reopen the ones you closed at the end so that they group together.
It would be a really useful feature
Melik Atabeyli
How are we doing with this feature?
Rick Marx
Another vote from our teams.
As many have pointed out, when having issues that take longer or are connected, it would be great to be able to quickly sort these tabs together.
On another note, is this the only way to upvote feature requests, through some sort of forum post?
Do you not have a portal where we can see existing feature requests and simply upvote them (our company currently uses AHA, for example, but has used others in the past)? This would also increase transparency and understanding from our side.
We have encountered several issues when using Zendesk, and we know some improvements were requested years ago without any progress (even minor issues). If we could see that we are a minority in wanting these features or improvements and that there are simply a lot more votes on other feature requests, we would understand this.