Feature Request: Triggers - Action: Add Internal Note as a trigger action
Gepostet 28. März 2016
Triggers have lots of Actions, but those don't include the ability to add an Internal Note. In some instances, if a case meets certain conditions, adding an Internal Note (with pre-fab text like a macro) would be really helpful.
For example, if an Account Manager submits a case without the client on thread. An automated note could be posted to tell them to add the customer, instead of support manually sending a response.
An internal note could also remind the Agent of something (for example to timebox a case based on tier or to switch the Requester to the customer instead of internal contact).
Right now there is no way to automatically add a text string as part of a Trigger.
60 Kommentare
+1 for this - our use case is to use a trigger when a given form is used to reproduce the data entered/selected in custom fields to produce in comment format - this will then allow an agent to quickly review and then copy this text for further escalation review (in our specific case, via the JIRA plugin)
Hi all,
I wonder if there's anyone here who could help me out. I was following the steps for workaround in this great article:
and when I went to define the target I didn't get the same options - it seems that this screen was updated:
Content Type wasn't mentioned in the article. He said to enter:
The article is, of course, closed for commenting.
Can anyone help me?
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
Under Settings>Extensions, it looks like you have selected an HTTP target. The article uses a URL target.
I should say that these techniques to update tickets can be very useful but are discouraged by Zendesk. They can create race conditions that may lead to problems.
Hope that helps,
Thanks Graeme for pointing that out!
I was under the impression that this was actually encouraged by Zendesk, being promoted into an article, albeit due to their inability to provide this feature built-in.
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
Zendesk have not gone so far as to remove these articles. But please see here for the official view on these techniques.
Ok, that's quite clear.
However, seems like if it's causing problems then I can just deactivate the trigger/automation and then it will all revert to working fine, no?
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
Yes that should be fine. Hope it goes well.
Corey Gould
I would also love to be able to do this for a few reasons.
1. I have an automation that looks for "On Hold" tickets that have not been updated in 48hrs and changes the status to "Open". The intent here is to force a review/followup from my team members with the appropriate party so we if any resolution has been made. I would like the automation to add a private note to the effect of "This ticket was automatically reopened due to..." so the agent can quickly identify the reason without having to click through to events and then need to understand how events work. I want to keep it as simple and inline as possible.
2. I have a trigger that will change (via URL target) the Reply From address, so that I can force one support address per group. However, this interferes with the "Notify Requester of Received Request Trigger" sometimes along with other issues that have been brought up on the forums related to this. I would really like to be able to just assign a specific support address to each group natively so that, no matter what, replies send from a "Support" group come from support@, Technical Service from tech@, etc. regardless of what address the customer actually send to.
3. Similarly to item 1, I have an trigger that looks for replies/updates to side conversations and reopens the ticket, again to force a review of it. (Because the system notifications are inadequate and really easy to miss). So I would be using this to add a private comment to the effect of "This ticket has been reopened because a side conversation has been updated".
Lastly, a lot of the comment here refer to a helpful instructional guide for using URL targets to do this, but the link (Link removed by the Zendesk Community Team. Post has been archived due to outdated information.) is no longer available and I would really like to see the instructions that have been seen by others as an effective workaround.
To change the reply from address in #2 I have a HTTP JSON PUT target set up called "Update Zendesk Ticket". On the trigger, I use the action Notify Target with a JSON Body of {"ticket": {"recipient": "email@domain"}}
What would the JSON Body code be to create a new private note? I imagine something to the effect of replacing "recipient with the correct attribute name.
Test User
We have a couple of use cases for this:
1. Notify an agent when a field is set, for example something like 'this field was set and now you should do x'
2. As a workaround to the fact that Zendesk doesn't have multiple conditions on a ticket form. For example, I want to only have field 3 show up when field 1 has value a and field 2 has value b. That isn't possible in Zendesk, so as a workaround I want to show the field the whole time and let the agent know by adding an internal comment if they save the ticket and it isn't set. So yes.. I now need a workaround for the workaround!
Simon Boe
Hey Corey, and other people looking for a way to add an internal note via. an http target, you can use the below in your JSON.
Remember the target should be using the PUT method, and that Zendesk does not support this way of updating your tickets because of race conditions, also mentioned previously in the comments for this post.
#helpsome regards,
Simon Blouner
Zendesk Consultant @ helphouse.io
Mark Moran
Hi we have various use cases for this
I Put simply we want to outline the next steps for the agent to take in the comments section
I would have thought it would be straight forward to add this feature
Roman Mästle
for some organisations there are special rules to follow up (product warranty, adress, shipment method, reaction time...). Actually these rules need a manually lookup in the organisation details. With a triggered or automatic internal comment this step will be performed much easier and information is not missed by the agent.
Sebastian Lundbäck
We have multiple use cases for this feature and I also think that this would not be all to complicated to implement.
Atleast, the feature would be toggled so that Zendesk administrators could have the opportunity or not to use this.
Debbie Guskin
Similar to Corey, we use automations to re-open tickets. Here's our specific use case:
We have a "required to solve" ticket field that is not always set by Agents for Pending tickets. When our automations transition a ticket from Pending to Solved after X amount of time we have an automation that checks if the required field is set. If the field isn't set, the automation automatically re-opens the ticket. However, this confuses our agents because there's no actual info in the ticket that explains why it's still open. To them it looks like the customer never replied and no additional action is needed.
Note - Our use case could potentially be fulfilled by having a "require on ticket pending flow" option, but adding internal notes for automations is a bit of a more robust option that can be used for other use cases as well. Plus the workaround for requiring a field on other ticket update types at https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/227741828-Is-it-possible-to-require-a-field-be-set-before-moving-to-a-status-other-than-Solved- is not ideal.
+1 on that
Jon Schlueter (Hearsay)
+1 for this feature request.
I can't believe it's been 4 years since this thread started and Zendesk still hasn't built this into their product. Then again, I've seen a request that went on for 10 years and when people started commenting that one of their competitors added the feature, ZD shut down the thread for any new comments.
Zendesk, maybe listen to your paying customers as we have some really great ideas and want to keep using your product. Otherwise, what's keeping us here?
Theodore Wolf
+1 we'd love this feature too.
Case: export data filled out into form directly to internal note or side convo (using liquid) so we can initiate requests quicker.
Manaan Alexander
+1 for the ability to add an internal note in an automation and a trigger!
Insurance is a highly regulated industry and there is more at stake than NPS for agents to correctly follow a workflow. In one case, we have a ticket that we need additional information in order to complete. We bump the requester twice before re-opening the ticket to our internal team. There has been no update on the ticket and the agent has to take additional steps (or check their email) to receive the specific instructions on how to proceed.
Ideally, these instructions would leave in an internal comment that is added when the ticket is re-opened by an automation.
Lasse Poulsen
+1, would be great if this function can be made.
Sebastian Lundbäck
4 years later and still no change!
Does it even matter if I +1 to this?
We need this too for exactly the same purpose that we want to notify agent in ticket content internally about some information but we don't want to use email.
Gerardo Rodriguez
Have to agree with Jon here. A feature requested so many times for SO LONG and while "listening", they just keep asking the same questions for "feedback" over and over, even though it should be absolutely clear that this is a great feature.
The Notes on the Account Page are USELESS. Maybe move them to some location where they actually make a difference to the people handle cases. Or give us the option to present this information somewhere where it matters. Salesforce easily lets you do this on a header you can hide from cases.
+1. This solves a lot of problems for me.
Francois Spinnael
Is that thing still not ok ?
I was even thinking that it was possible into the past but seems im wrong.
Susan Maher
Last night I was able to implement the suggestions in this article (and others) and I am able to add either a public or a private comment using the trigger.
My case was on where during a process one of the fields was either not entered or entered incorrectly. The note reminds the user to enter the field correctly and explains what to do.
As suggested previously all I had to do was add a Target in the Extensions panel and then create my triggers.
Try the recommendations here. They work. The most difficult thing for me was to figure out how to enter a private note. When you create the Target url use the following:
I was very pleased and it was not very hard. DISCLAIMER: As said before, Zendesk does not encourage people to do this types of implementations as they may cause other issues.
Alejandro Colon
Can we get a Zendesk 2020 update on this?
@...: Thanks for the update and transparency here. Current workarounds have disclaimers as non-supported implementations -should we understand that Zendesk intends to support the workarounds, now?
Alejandro Colon
I saw your post for a moment but now I cannot see it.
Once it shows up again, can you please mark it as an official response?
Sometimes, it is quite hard to find the official Zendesk response in all of the comments.
Bryce Radick
Lack of movement on this thread is disappointing. +1000000 to needing this feature.
Joel Cohen
Hi Folks - PM for triggers here. I know this is an old post but I wanted to update this group that we just recently launched auto reply and internal note actions in triggers. Here is the announcement!