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Administrator control with no chat license
Gepostet 05. Juli 2017
We have recently signed up for Zendesk Chat and as an administrator I bought 3 licenses for our 3 girls that will be using it.
Set it all up great but then found I could not allocate chat sessions to all three girls as one off the licenses has to be for me as an administrator (or Main Creator) the only way to give all three girls a license is by passing over main administration right to one of them, they are not interested in administrating it is only me that is interested in this.
So could you create an administrators account that does not use a chat license but can still has full rights to administer, and this would be great if you can get this added as soon as possible because I am wasting a license because I will never chat to anybody.
10 Kommentare
Ramin Shokrizadeh
Hi there Greg,
Thanks for sharing your feedback regarding the licensing behaviour today in the Zendesk products. We currently don't differentiate between an admin and agent license and the billing is based on total number of seats including the admin. Although the admin does not pick up chats/tickets, they are still getting value from the service by running reports and managing the other agents.
We don't have any immediate plans to change this behaviour across the Zendesk products but I will pass your feedback to the marketing team.
Just to add my voice, I also agree with Greg. We have the same process.
'We don't have any immediate plans to change this behaviour across the Zendesk products but I will pass your feedback to the marketing team'
Please do as when these licenses run out we will be changing to another chat desk company that does not waste a license for the Administrator, if you manage to get it changed we will stay.
This is an essential feature for smaller companies, please proceed with this feature quickly.
Parrish Chamberlin
I propose that Chat Administration should be conducted through Zendesk Support rather than Chat itself thus reducing the extra license.
As Zendesk Administrators we need to be able to configure all the products in one space as we do not necissarily use any of the fetures.
For my company, I have to add a chat license to administer, even though I dont use it.
Adding yourself to chat can also make you available to receive calls (which is not ideal) depending on your configuration.
This is ridiculous and can impact customer satisfaction and chat ratings if we drop a call.
"Although the admin does not pick up chats/tickets, they are still getting value from the service by running reports and managing the other agents." - Greg
Admins are not getting any value, just retaining control of the service. We use many cloud platforms, none require admins to have full paid accounts.
Karen Anjema
I agree that the Admin should not require an agent license.
James Russell
I agree that the Admin should not require an agent license too. I work as part of the Infrastructure team, I do not use zendesk day to day, I do not run reports, I do not look at tickets I simply need access to the Admin Interface. Currently I have to wait for one of the admins to be available to then run a remote support session with them to be able to resolve issues or configuration changes. It slows things down for us. We are only a small business and cannot justify having the extra cost to licence admins. We would ideally also use the Super Admin account as a Break Glass account as we are using SSO and that this account is not used in daily use but again we cannot do this.
Kalle Windefalk
+1 I agree with everyone. It's working i Zendesk Talk with an admin who can control the service without an licens
Wyatt reames