Customize search results columns


Gepostet 13. Juli 2017

We like the power of the search but it'd be even better if we could choose which columns show in the search results, similarly to how you can when creating Views.





120 Kommentare

I'm also interested in an update.


Likewise, please let us know when/if this added feature will be implemented. 


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

I would add that for our use case, different Agents and Managers would like different Search results so being able to customize it Agent by Agent would be best with a default setting for the Account or at a Group level! We would love to have the option to serve up our custom Organization or User fields in a search and be able to sort by column by clicking on it. Also ability to surface some of the hidden fields like last sign in date and suspended status would be preferable! This is because different departments pull up searches for different reasons. AR might want one customer field to show while Support would want contact info to show while Managers would want Csat fields to show, the list goes on!


Definitely very needed, as we have customized Organization fields that should be displayed in the search results. 


We would also find this very useful. The Organization field is pretty important for us to see when searching. Being able to filter by organization isn't enough.


I'll add a vote for this also.


Add my voice to this request - again, pretty simple to code, since you already have this functionality on other pages.  Please make a priority, along with downloading search results.


Also looking for this feature. We would love to be able to filter by organization.


Agreed. Please allow customising of the columns visible in searches similar to how to you choose what to show in views or just have an option on the search page for what to show as there are a number of fields missing, such as Org, Assignee etc and the ability to add or remove columns as required.


Agreed, in our case in the Organization search we would like a minimum of the Details field to be added, but as we deal with many different products in many regions the option to fully customise which of our custom fields we wish to include/sort by in all the Search pages would be extremely helpful.


We are also looking for this feature. For our sales department it is important to see specific information on the first glance. We use custom ticket fields for Offer/ Order Numbers and other product information. Being able to customize the search columns similar to the possibilities within views would be very helpful and increase usability.


Don't forget to upvote others posts here to get some traction. Otherwise it's just a group of disassociated complaints Zendesk will never do anything about.



None of this is going to matter in another couple of months when our ZoHo adoption is complete


We are also looking for this functionality.


It is very frustrating to have to open up many line items to find the one you want just b/c you cannot have the extra columns in the search that you like.  We have built many custom fields and it would be very useful to see some of them in the search.


Is there any update yet?


As mentioned by others, the lack of Organization in the search view is puzzling. I understand that it takes more time to deliver a view for all of the different options so many of us prefer. Not including Organization indicates that the majority of Zendesk customers are using tickets for supporting retail consumers. That should change with rapid growth across so many industries.


2 years worth of requests for this functionality, come on Zendesk surely this shows that this is required by so many and yet you still ignore these requests. Give us some hope that you are listening and you will be making this functionality available sooner rather than later


This is quite troubling for the Zendesk Product Team and not very customer focused. All these requests but it seems like it's just going to the ether. 


We need this as well.


This should be a thing. I need to be able to include organization name in the search and was surprised to not see an option to edit the Search results view. Upvoted




+1 for all the reasons above :)


Hi , I would like to check if we can modify the columns in general search bar at right side top.
For example we have requester column but Assignee column is missing. If we get a chance to modify the search criteria other than the filter option it will be easy.


The beauty of search results is that we are able to share this link in reporting. Unfortunately, this search view does not include the organizations and other column views we have customized. This would be really helpful for management to view and sort from our search report and prioritize specific issues related to our customized column views. This ability would make us all superstars of advanced search. Please consider this ability to add our own column views to advanced search, which has been available for several years in our customizable personal views. This is the one request from management I get all the time, so they can view who the big customers are from the list pulled. 


Is this feature coming ? ie ability to customise the columns on a search view 


+1, this would be very helpful for us as well! Zendesk lets make this happen please!



  1. Conduct a realistic search on your /agent/apps/advanced-search page (via the bottom left loupe symbol, not via the simple search field in the top right)
  2. Above the "Results (…)" list, open the "Columns" dropdown menu and (un)check the columns that you want, using the search results list to judge the real usefulness of each column
  3. Pin the tab in the browser or keep it otherwise separate from normal ticket work.

As long as you don't close that browser (tab/window), the colum customization should remain the same throughout many searches.


Really disappointing that such an easy feature is not being established since years. @... Please add the possibility to customize search result columns for "tickets" and maybe other tabs if possible. If there's a reason not to do anything, please provide at least an answer to the community. Seems like our company is not the only one and here's no official feedback since years now. 

Thanks in advance from a CUSTOMER!



"(Un)check the columns that you want"

How can you do that?

Am I missing a feature? ;)

Best regards


@...: I updated item 2. of my comment to clarifiy ;-)


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