Dashboard "Updates to your tickets" mark checked

Gepostet 26. Feb. 2015

Dear sir,

I would like to propose a small improvement to the dashboard, in "Updates to your tickets" section. I find this information very useful, but while clicking on different tickets, I don't remember which I already checked and which not. It would be very nice to have some sign (maybe color change) which would tell me if I already clicked that update. In that case all updates reffering to the same ticket should change color.

Thanks in advance!



63 Kommentare


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey everyone, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us! My team is responsible for the agents home page and we're currently re-thinking this experience at the moment. We don't have a timeline to share right now but we would love to hear more from you. What information would you like to have available to your agents on this page? Should all agents be able to customize their own dashboard?


I fully agree — I'd like to see the ability to dismiss these notifications. I LOVE the notifications, but I want a way to manage them so I don't have to wade through the long list of customer responses or assignments.


I would suggest as well the ability to hide/archive read updates at least in two ways:

1. a button on the update for direct action that will affect all referred ones.
2. on click, once read, it should go into archived updates queue with possibility to view it later.



Where this can be affected ? Numbers of days in arrears, or number of tickets the showing to be, completeley turned off, or adjustet Clearing, can be ?


Agree. One of the first pieces of feedback from our agents who started on Zendesk was the notifications feed. A way to dismiss or "mark read" would be really helpful to our workflow - otherwise, the notification feed is non-actionable noise.


My agents would like a wa to clear that part of the Dashboard.


As above, we would also like to be able to dismiss the notifications


+ 1 Agree. Adding a "dismiss notification" function will serve as a tickler of sorts to ensure all updates have been addressed properly. 


 Agree. Please add the ability to hide or dismiss the updates. Great feature but once viewed it should be removed.


Please add "dismiss" or "viewed" feature to these notifications.  Otherwise this helpful feature just becomes a confusing stream of updates that offer little efficiency.  


Please add the ability to clear the "Updates to your tickets" section of the home dashboard.Or as mentioned above a dismiss option. After you review one, you can't clear it and it makes the screen look too busy. Or at least a way to minimize that section. 


How do they work? When do they disappear again? My dashboard is full of notifications, even after I've clicked them.


Why hasn't a solution been introduced for this?  If there has what is it?


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Jsyutk - 

We haven't seen a great need for this from a significant number of users as of yet. We receive hundreds of  feature requests every week, so until a critical mass of users indicate a need for something, it usually doesn't get prioritized. 


Please implement the requested change.


Please allow functionality to clear or dismiss the "Updates to your tickets" section of the home dashboard.


please allow a way to hide this column. many of our users are complaining about it. thank you.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi all - 

Can you please provide some additional detail about your use cases? i.e. how this would impact your workflow, how frequently you would use it, etc.?


From my perspective, I use ZenDesk all day, every day.
Because of the volume, I'm continuously checking to see if the requestor has updated the ticket with a new comment or if it's an older "Updates to your tickets" that I've opened twice already, thinking it was a new comment.

It's to the point where I need to keep, at minimum, 6 tickets open, so that I can click through each ticket and check for updates.

Having the ability to clear items in "Updates to your tickets" would save considerable frustration and time.
Even as Benjamin suggested, if it changed colour. Something to acknowledge it had been dealt with.


This would be a great improvement in your platform. I don't understand why I have ticket updates from a month ago that I cannot clear. Like it has been mentioned once selected it should be removed or the ability hide or change color.


We would agree with all the above feedback and to add on, the ability to show or hide like you can with the apps side bar would be amazing. Real Estate is not cheap these days so being able to hide and show the side bars when needed could save lives!


It's surprising that a feature like this is not implemented. I have not used a system in over a decade that does not have this (or at least the ability to implement something like this). I am a new user to Zendesk and frankly, not having this feature makes me wonder if you eat your own dogfood. If this hasn't been an extreme pain point for everyone on your team by now I don't know what would . . . How would we even "vote to make this feature more necessary. So far, other than this I like the interface. Though because of this I would not recommend this platform as a viable help-desk solution to my clients.


Add one more voice to the call for this.

I only have two on my screen, but they are from tickets that were closed over a month ago.  They ought to age out of that view or something.

I find it odd I don't get more in the list.

I don't know why that is.


I agree.  Our agents would like to be able to use this feature to keep track of what they have yet to do.  They'd like to be able to remove each update individually as they work through them, leaving them always with a list of outstanding updates.

Also, as another poster suggested, multiple updates for the same ticket should be addressable with a single action.


Please add this feature. I would use it 100 times a day.


+1, this is a pain in the neck. I don't even want the updates panel - it's unnecessarily taking up valuable screen real estate.


Add me to the list. The "Updates to your tickets" section is just a bother. I personally like to stay on top of my tickets and keep the dashboard clear, that way when something shows up, I know I have something to address.

Why show updates to a ticket if all tickets are old and closed? 

Would it be possible to offer an option where this can simply be hidden or pinned? This would be consistent with some of your other features such as the Views section on the Views page. Or, allow users to swipe them away, like notifications on smartphones. 

This feature request is four years old, let's go for it, shall we? 


Please add +5 techs to this list as well, need the ability to clear them out.


This is very confusing for new agents, we advise them not to look at it. But of course that cannot be the goal of this feature. It would be very useful for our agents to have a quick view on what they have to do.


Still an annoyance for my company and difficult to train new agents. We're a team of 12 and all of us hate the fact that we cannot clear these old "updates". Please fix!


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