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Limit/Block users from creating/viewing Zendesk tickets
Gepostet 13. Sept. 2016
We have a use case where one of our customers would like to restrict which of their users are allowed to create/view ZD tickets. For example Company X has 10 users and 3 need to be restricted where they are not allowed to open or see support tickets.
How can this be done?
18 Kommentare
Carsten F.
Hi Boris
One way could be to create their users in your Zendesk and then suspend the ones you don't want to be able to create tickets or log in to the help centre.
We have situations where we provide specific companies access to specific forms based on a tag on the organization.
Perhaps you could use a similar approach by reading a tag from the users profile, if it has a ‘no support’ tag, you hide the submit a request option.
Doesn’t work for email tickets, but just throwing it out there.
Don David
Does anyone else have another suggestion? We have the same need and is not possible with the current feature set.
Thanks in advance.
Maggie St.Clair
We really want to set more customers up to access our Community and Knowledge Base but we don't want them to be able to submit tickets. We have a closed Zendesk and we want to respect our customers wishes to only have certain users from each organization enter tickets. If we really want to get our Community off the ground we need to ability to setup all users, but block some of them them from viewing or creating support tickets. Seems like access rules would be a pretty basic component of a Help Center. Any suggestions or workarounds would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Jessie Schutz
Hi Maggie!
It should be possible to do this, but it'll require some custom coding. In fact, we have a Support Tip that shows how to hide or show the My Activities and Submit a Request links based on user Organizations.
Based on what you're describing, restricting by Organization may not work for you. However, you should be able to tweak the code to restrict based on something else, like a user tag. Our Support team isn't able to write up that custom code for you, but there are a number of coding gurus here in the Community who should be able to help you if you get stuck!
Maggie St.Clair
Thanks for the info. I am not technical at all, but many of my co-workers are. I am sure we can find someone that can make this work. Thanks so much for pointing us in the right direction. I really appreciate it.
Stassa Miller
@Carsten, If I suspend the user will they still have access to community?
Carsten F.
Hi Stassa
They can view publicly available articles and community posts, but since they need to log in to respond or post they can't post or reply to anything in the community if they are suspended in Zendesk. Zendesk support and Guide share the same userbase.
Stassa Miller
Thanks. If you have any other option it would be greatly appreciated. We mainly post signed-in user articles only, so this would not work if they are suspended.
Dan Cooper
Hi Stassa,
The Support Tip posted above by Jessie has a comment on how to selectively hide the Submit a Request options by a customer tag. You can also use a trigger to auto-close tickets created via email from users with that tag if needed. You'll also want to check into any triggers that send emails on ticket creation to not send the email if that tag exists so the customer doesn't get an indication that they'll get support if they do email in (or add an email saying that support isn't available to them).
This should be a way for you to still provide content without opening up the ability to submit tickets.
Daniel Osborne
@... earlier in this thread you said:
>you should be able to tweak the code to restrict based on something else, like a user tag
However the documentation for the 'user' object suggests that information on which Tags have been assigned to a user is not available to templates.
So it doesn't seem like it's possible to hide the "submit issue" button based on a user tag, or even based on Organization for that matter.
Stassa Miller
Thanks @... , auto close created.
Ad Astra Support
Dan or Jessie,
When I try to open your Support Tip mentioned above, I am getting this error. I have noticed on occasion, I get this error but not sure why. Any ideas?
I apologize this screen shot is enormous!
Brett Bowser
Hey Melody,
It looks like the article you're trying to view has been archived due to being out of date. You can access a similar tip here: How can I remove the Submit a request link from my Help Center?
That should help get you what you're looking for :)
Ad Astra Support
I only want to restrict a specific group of people from submitting a ticket. Allowing only certain users the ability to create a ticket, not removing it entirely from the help site.
Brett Bowser
Hey Melody,
I wasn't able to track down a specific tip that would allow you to hide this link based on the organization or group of users. The closest I could find is the following article: Hide ticket forms based on a user's organization
Hopefully, others can jump in and offer up some additional guidance for you!
Ad Astra Support
Thanks, Brett. I appreciate your quick reply, as always!
Brett Bowser
Happy to help Melody :)