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Custom Link, User_Field
Gepostet 28. Jan. 2016
I want to create a user_field so my agents can see a link to a particular web page for each user. I have seen that user_fields are limited to certain values. I have managed to post the link as text to the user profile using the zendesk API, but is there any way to create it as a link so my agents dont have to copy/post it in their browsers?
Here is a capture of what i have managed up to now, basically what i want is to turn Url Smartick into a link.
Thank you
14 Kommentare
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
For user fields rather than use a single line text field, use a muti-line field. That should turn entries into click-able hyper-links.
Unfortunately, this is not the same for ticket fields.
Miguel PM
Thank you so much. Really appreciate it.
Michael Giordano
Is there any way to get similar behavior from Custom Ticket Fields?
Jessie Schutz
Hey Scott!
Out of curiosity, what application are your using? There might be an integration available already...
Dan Cooper
@Scott, there is an app that might do this for you in Zendesk Labs called URL Builder. It's a little complicated, but if you have a field that has the "12345" modifier in it, you can set it up to pull that custom field and place it at the end of another URL like https://example.com/{{ticket.custom_field_11111}}, The nice thing about the app is you don't have to show the URL you can show a title that is easier to read. Maybe show Internal Ticket Link instead.
The app looks like the below screenshot, but you can link several links in the app.
You need to write a JSON array for any button you want to add. My example is shown below for one button where it is appending the custom field to the end of the standard URL.
Jessie Schutz
Hey Scott!
You can get your custom ID fields by going into the settings for each field!
Dan Cooper
Hi Scott,
If you have someone on your team that can build an app for Zendesk, the URL Builder app is actually on the Zendesk Labs github. You can start with what Zendesk has built and update it so that it better matches your UI preferences. I customized the Ticket Redaction app for my team because the initial version took too much vertical space for our app panel by starting from their source code and adapting it for my needs. I hope this helps!
Guillaume Zurbach
URL Builder is exactly what I needed, thanks Daniel!
Customer Care
URL Builder seems broken after Zendesk apps entered V2. Hopefully it can be updated! There is someone who "built" their own version and is charging for it in the app store. Lame.
Brett Bowser
Hi Lee,
It looks like there's no plans to update the existing URL Builder app and will instead be replaced with the URL Builder Pro app you mentioned. The other option would be to download the URL Builder app from the GitHub page and have your developers migrate the integration to v2. More information in our Migrating Support apps to ZAF v2 documentation which I've attached for you.
WWOOF France
It really is a bummer, URL Builder was the perfect tool to link Zendesk with our CRM and other tools we use. Zendesk is already quite expensive for us, and paying to add a link next to a ticket is frustrating.
Customer Care
Hi Brett,
Thanks, however we do not have the resources to work on that. Our CS dept. is basically me ... no developers.
Brett Bowser
Hey Lee,
We do have a Professional Services team available that can help build this integration. If this is something you're interested in, let me know and I can get a ticket created on your behalf and passed over to your Account Executive to discuss further :)
Customer Care
Hi Brett,
Thanks, but our CS budget is very limited. My only hope is for Zendesk to migrate the existing open source tool to v2.