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Agent Workspace Feedback


Gepostet 24. Jan. 2022

Feature Request Summary: 

There are two issues that we have experienced whilst trialing the new Agent Workspace UI for a fortnight. As a result, we have reverted back to the original workspace for the foreseeable.

Description/Use Cases: 

Top down ticket ordering is difficult to follow
We exclusively receive tickets from customers via email. These emails can contain lengthy conversation between the customer(s) and agent before they are emailed into Zendesk support.
The new agent workspace flips the direction a ticket is displayed, so that the oldest reply is at the top, and the newest is at the bottom. When our emailed-in tickets are displayed, the layout is disorientating and the conversation is hard to follow. The latest response is right at the top of the thread, and then we have to scroll to the bottom and read upwards within to read the ticket.
We then need to reply to the bottom of the thread, whilst the post we are replying to sits at the top of the ticket. This the complete opposite of the UI experience within an email client, where you reply to an email chain at the top of the conversation which is far friendlier, and the old Zendesk Support honours and works well with this system.
Email address is not immediately obvious
It's quite important that we can easily see the email address in the ticket. We are aware of the pop-out panel where we can see who emailed it in, but this extra step, alongside consuming screen real estate, particularly on smaller monitors, increases the risk of a miscommunication on our end due to being a missed extra step. It is far easier and more logical to show the email address right below the ticket title.

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

The thread ordering issue is quite a big problem for us, as we receive nearly all tickets via email, and a fair amount of these emails have conversation in beforehand, before being turned into a ticket. The majority of our agents were complaining about getting lost in an email chain, and a new feature should not add confusion.

The email address being hidden is problematic, particularly for our agents on smaller devices - but since it already says "via email" why not display the email address too? It seems like dead space that could be better used, and we would be able to more quickly find who we are replying to.



15 Kommentare


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey everyone, 

I just wanted to share that we have now launched an EAP that will allow you to customize the conversation flow and composer location in tickets. Thanks so much for sharing your feedback and check out the following community announcement for more information: EAP Announcement: Configuring the conversation flow and composer location in tickets

Have a great rest of your day!


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Kolten Kittleson

Zendesk Product Manager

Martyn Wong Thank you for the valuable feedback on how the UI operates, along with a specific workflow for your account. At this time there aren't plans to change how the messages are displayed, however I would like to get in touch with you to discuss the concerns in a little more detail. 


This is a big problem for us as well. Would love to use the UI, but until I can reverse the thread direction, it's not going to work for myself or our other agents.

I'm not really sure how it would be acceptable for anyone who receives tickets by e-mail to have the thread order reversed the way Agent Workspace has it now.

If there's anyone that likes it the way it is, then maybe create a setting to allow the direction switch for those of us responding to e-mail tickets.


👋 As we have some similar feedback on our end, @... any chance to get a follow-up on the discussion you had with Martyn Wong?


For us a well, it's really a productivity issue as we have to constantly scoll down, the ticket is not always updated immediately, the button does not always work (you have to scroll first), etc. I understand that the changes are done for a good reason, but sorting the messages from latest on top is really change that shall be taken into consideration.

Regards, Vassilios


ticket :10143280: the refresh issue is solved. Now we have a new side effect. Forward and side conversation are no more working



@Jean-michel Weiss
Did you post in the wrong thread? I don't see anything in this thread about a refresh issue...


Yes and no, it's also a side effect with the new workspace UI


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager


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JJ Miclat

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey everyone,

We appreciate your feedback on this topic and would love to hear more directly from you live. Please join us on Tuesday, April 25th at 9 AM PDT for our PM Roundtable.

It'll be an open discussion on what is and isn't working with the recent UI changes regarding Agent Workspace. The product team would also like feedback on enhancements they plan on making in Agent Workspace, so we can design the experience tailored to your CX needs.

The link to register can be found here, we'd love to see you all there.



OK, long story short.


1. Being a Zendesk user for 13 years, I feel obliged to yell (not just say) - please stop making changes to UI! The UI you had 12 months ago was THE ultimate one, everything that was done afterwards was taking few steps back - literally breaking things and then kinda fixing them. Why don't you listen to your customers, there are lots of us who designed specific workflows that are now broken or difficult to use.

2. New agent workspaces is - simply - useless. You just took 25% of my effective screen to show me what? Useless comment box that I don't need when I'm browsing and checking older tickets (finding clues how to solve some specific problems). When I'm writing a comment to the ticket, the old UI did it perfectly - I was simply writing a reply or a comment, my comment box would easily take 75% of the screen and I was find with that.

3. Making ticket comment sorting the opposite of what it was is a total nonsense. Our helpdesk system operates using emails, while new sorting is designed for chats. Our end users are employees who are PAID to do their jobs, not to chat with IT support and lose their time in the chat. That's why they send emails which they write quickly and continue with their work. Chat might be OK for mobile telco or webshop support who deal with younger population, but for corporate internal IT support, we need emails. Comments should be sorted as they used to be sorted till now - latest entry at the top.

4. New agent workspace causes problems with side ticket fields as in some rare cases, we experienced screen flickering when clicking on the ticket field that is trying to show the dropdown list. Here's the video of what's happening.


5. Chat button is shown on top of 'Agent Macros' field (as shown on the above video too).

6. Not to mention that support@zendesk.com is not working anymore, there's no way to submit a standard support ticket, instead we have to use CHAT?!!!! I don't have time to deal with chats or chatbots. I need to leave standard email-type message with screenshots or images of the problem I'm having. With chat, it's nowhere nearly as simple as it is when using email.

This is so annoying. Literally every change that was done in the past 6 months, I had to scream and yell to revert them.


Here's a suggestion - instead of tampering with existing Zendesk ticketing system, why don't you design a completely new product and do whatever you're doing now. Leave us alone with this product that just works and works and works and doesn't require any improvements except of system type (eg. security or performance). Usability is not an issue, so just leave it alone, please.


We have the new UI update this week and its gone backwards (almost literally).  With the reply section at the bottom of the screen and the comments section with the most recent at the bottom.

I find it difficult to use and am constantly having to resize the reply window, depending on if I'm replying or if I need to read through the comments.  Please can we have the option of going back to how it was.


We work in a Support Dept of between 50-60 users and everyone is struggling with the new UI.

Reversing the main page layout is confusing for a start, but we are finding many other issues that aren't ideal either - for example;

1) Ticket Subject and SLA are now too small

2) You can't flip between Internal Notes and Public Replies without manually copying the text across (yes we know you've added a draft functionality but we didn't need that!)

3) Text does not fit in boxes as well as it used to

4) Trying to copy part of a reply is more fiddly than before (Zendesk is determined that I want to include more of the text than I'm selecting)

We will keep adding more specifics as we find them.

Please revert back to the old layout - it worked really well for the last 3+ years I've been using Zendesk, so there was no need to make these unnecessary changes.


Hi All,

I want to second one of the recurring themes in these replies - The existing ticket UI did not need an overhaul. It's lean, organized, allows us communication with our team (internal) and clients (external) while offering data enrichment (tagging) for those folks looking to get a little more detailed with their meta data. It works and its reliable. 

The new UI is the inverse. We had an extended troubleshoot with a client on a single ticket, and clicking the "Newest Messages" button brought us to the middle (?!) of the thread. I never would have known where to look without that button.

We also noticed that the newest message button doesn't work well/reliably. Sometimes it would scroll to the newest message, other times it would go down a single line and stop. Multiple messages did not work with this function. Clicking the button only brought it to the first new message, then the button no longer responded to the next new messages.

Even in a working state though, there isn't a need for this layout and function. The legacy UI works great.



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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey everyone,

I wanted to share an update from one of our Product Managers Amisha Sharma which you can find here: 
Change the order of the comments as an agent when viewing a ticket 

Hello everyone,

Thanks for your patience on the feature request to flip the position of the composer and reverse the order of messages in the ticket UI.

We’re coming to you with some exciting news! We're bringing three new configuration options within layout builder to increase agent efficiency:

  • Option to put the composer at the top or the bottom in the ticket UI
  • Option to see the newest messages at the top or the bottom in Conversation log
  • Option to always have the composer collapsed when you open a ticket to have more reading space

We're targeting September for this release. This will be a part of the Early Access Program for layout builder, and also part of the official launch of Layout Builder (in late 2023).

Custom ticket layouts are created using an intuitive layout builder. Layout builder enables you to pick which components to include on a Support ticket, with the ability to arrange and size them as you see fit. You have the power to create the exact layout you need. 

These settings within layout builder will give you the flexibility to dynamically format how the conversation is styled based on any ticket property via Contextual Workspaces. For example, through Contextual Workspaces, an admin can set the composer and thread at the bottom for messaging tickets, and at the top for email tickets or any other combination you see fit.

Look forward to bringing this to you in the coming few months. Thanks!


Your feedback is extremely important to us as we continue to make improvements to Agent Workspace and hopefully the above changes will help improve your overall experience with the new UI. If you do have additional feedback to share, please do so in the following thread: Change the order of the comments as an agent when viewing a ticket 

If you have any questions let us know!


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