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Articles do not print correctly
Gepostet 26. Jan. 2022
When trying to print an article, our menu gets revealed in a way that overlaps with the article's content and makes the printout unusable. Is there a way to fix this?
I would think there is a way to allow articles to print in the format they display on the screen.
2 Kommentare
Kasper Sørensen
Hi Kyle,
This is essentially up to the theme of your Help Center. I see that you have a customized theme, which is probably built in a way that does not convert nicely to print format. You will need to work with your theme to implement a styling sheet that is printer friendly.
Usually this involves having a print style sheet that is separate (or just an overlay) for the "screen" stylesheet. In your HTML you insert that like this:
Kyle Johnson
Super helpful. Thanks, Kasper!