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ZendeskSupportSDK 5.4.0 not available via cocoapods
Gepostet 11. Feb. 2022
The latest release of ZendeskSupportSDK (and its dependencies) was never deployed to cocoapods. https://cocoapods.org/pods/ZendeskSupportSDK
Trying to run pod install on the sample support sdk project fails as well because the new versions in the Podfile.lock don't exist in the public cocoapods spec. https://github.com/zendesk/ios_sdk_demo_apps/blob/master/SupportSDKSamples/Podfile.lock
The public release notes list the new versions but do not say they remove support for cocoapods. https://developer.zendesk.com/documentation/classic-web-widget-sdks/unified-sdk/ios/release_notes/ https://developer.zendesk.com/documentation/classic-web-widget-sdks/support-sdk/ios/release_notes/#5.4.0
Are there plans to fix this?
1 Kommentar
Mick O'Donnell
Hi Dory,
Thanks for flagging this issue. The public artifacts have now been deployed correctly. You shouldn't have any further issues.