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Tip: How to Customize the Jira Zendesk Integration to Update the Zendesk Status
Gepostet 12. Apr. 2022
The power of Jira and Zendesk together... it's just beautiful. Out of the box, the integration allows Zendesk Agents to create or link a Jira ticket to a Zendesk ticket. However, this may not be enough. When Engineering has released the bugfix or feature, your Customer should be informed, right?
That's where this User Tip comes in. If you're ok with modifying the post functions on each of your Jira workflows, you can use a previous guide. If you prefer to do this more generically across multiple Jira Workflows, keep reading!
Step 1:
Install the Jira Integration App on Zendesk and Jira (Cloud).
Configure your Jira webhook for field syncing (in Jira).
Step 2:
Create a new API key in Zendesk for Private Comments:
Create Webhook in Zendesk for Private Comments with the endpoint https://YOURDOMAIN.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/{{ticket.id}}
Remember, the authentication is "basic" with the "email/token" for the user (I suggest using a service account!) and use the API token from the previous step as the password:
Step 3:
Create a custom single-select dropdown field in Zendesk to mimic your Jira workflow(s). Here I've titled mine "Jira Status" to keep it simple. This should be an Agent-facing field, not required on solved.
Remember to add the field to any/all Zendesk Forms that you expect to be used on tickets with associated Jira issues. I usually add it to all my forms, put it at the bottom of the form.
Pro Tip: Prefer to hide the new custom field or mark it read only in Zendesk? Use the Zendesk Field Manager app!
Step 4:
In Jira, set up the field mapping from Status to the new Zendesk custom field Jira Status:
Step 5:
Create your Trigger in Zendesk to notify the new webhook. In this example, the Jira status "Done" means released and I'm using "released_notify" as a tag to make sure this doesn't fire multiple times:
Title: Jira Status Change - Done (Released)
The JSON is:
"ticket": {
"comment": {
"body": "Dev released. Please update the customer as needed.",
"public": false
Step 6: TEST!
Create a Jira ticket from Zendesk.
Go to Jira and move that ticket through the workflow to Done (or your selected status that you used). Go back to the Zendesk ticket and make sure the ticket is updated. Note: you may need to refresh your browser. It should look like this:
Step 7: Forming Storming Norming and Performing
Maybe this should be Step 1 because this is the part where you need to ensure your Agents in both Zendesk and Jira are following the same behavior patterns.
- Zendesk Agent behavior:
- Create the Jira ticket from the app
- Comment to customer that the bug or feature is escalated to Engineering
- Submit Zendesk tickets in On Hold status
- Engineering should keep Jira tickets up to date.
- Both Support and Engineering can leverage the Commenting feature in the apps.
- When Jira is done, Zendesk ticket will go to Open, Assignee updates the Customer.
- Remember to account for workflows that reset.
- I.e. Jira ticket goes from Done to a reopened status, put in a Zendesk trigger to clear the tags for reuse.
18 Kommentare
Hi Heather Rommel,
We followed all the steps above and thank you for this powerful hint.
I have a question about this part
We get the error that the account is not authorized, we add the email of the Jira integration account created as service account, what is the token here to add? the one of the api connection the same as for the password?
The error
Heather Rommel
Hi Gerardo,
Thanks for liking the User Tip! You'll want the user name/token and then password=the API key you created on the previous step. The trick is, the user name (email) should be an admin account like your own or a service account.
Pete Fricke
Hi Heather,
When trying to test the new webhook, I'm getting the following error: {"error":"InvalidEndpoint","description":"Not found"}
Any idea what I could be doing wrong?
Heather Rommel
Hi Pete Fricke,
Are you clicking "Test" when you're setting up the webhook? If yes, I don't usually get anything good when I click Test on that, I assume because there's no payload to deliver...
I'd suggest going ahead and creating the webhook and moving on to the Trigger. Add a condition to the Trigger that narrows it down like "assignee = Pete Frick"
Then go ahead with the testing and see if it works. If not, please post back here!
Mahi Tangnoo
Hi Heather,
Could you please explain the following points which you have done in Step 6 :
According to my understanding, When Issue is getting created using Jira app through Zendesk in Jira - means this is how Jira ticket is getting created in Zendesk , then we have to update the workflow to Done and then the custom filed" Jira status" will automatically get updated and along with that internal comment is made.
So, this is my understanding so far ,but I am still confused on How are you creating Jira tickets in Zendesk.
Please specific the step 6 more precisely if possible.
Regards & Thanks,
Heather Rommel
Hi Mahi,
Thanks for your question! Once you have the apps installed on Jira and Zendesk, you can create a Jira ticket on the right hand panel using the app:
William Grote
Hi Heather
Thanks for the updates, in our integration, it looks like there is a new status on the Jira side called "Fix Applied"
I have not set any custom web hooks for any field mapping, just the out of the box integration, so this request is pretty basic, but where can I adjust things in Jira so that when the "Fix Applied" is selected in Jira, the Status of the Zendesk ticket is changed to "Pending" rather than "On-Hold", as it is now? I went to Field Mapping but these are system fields, not custom ones, so I don't see how to change them?
Mahi Tangnoo
Hi Heather,
Thanks for replying back.
Also, if you could explain on How Custom field "Jira Status" is getting updated after creating ticket in Jira using Jira app?
and have a look to my previous comment (3rd point) as well, correct me if I am wrong about the flow you are following to achieve the same.
Thanks & Regards,
Heather Rommel
William Grote,
I wouldn't suggest you change the status to pending in Zendesk unless you're expecting something from the Requester... But you would just
1. Make sure you add "fix applied" to your Zendesk custom Jira Status field.
2. add another trigger like I have listed in Step 5 that looks for the custom Jira Status field to go to Fix Applied and then change the Zendesk ticket status.
Hope this helps!
Heather Rommel
Mahi Tangnoo,
Hi! The custom Jira Status field in Zendesk is being updated via the settings in Jira per step 4 (Jira admins can set this up for you). Just make sure you have all the statuses listed in the zendesk custom field that map to your Jira workflows that will handle tickets sent from Zendesk.
As far as your comment:
I would restate it like this:
When a Jira issue is created using the Jira app through Zendesk, then when the Jira issue status is updated to Done in Jira, the custom field "jira status" in Zendesk will automatically get updated along with the internal comment.
Hope this helps!
Mahi Tangnoo
Hi Heather Rommel
Could you please suggest How can I create a ticket in Zendesk when an issue is created in Jira using Webhook or automation in Jira so that it would redirect to Zendesk directly once the issue is created.
How can I achieve this use case?
Waiting for the reply.
Thanks & Regards,
Heather Rommel
Hi Mahi Tangnoo,
As far as I know, the app only works one way -- you can create Jira tickets from Zendesk but not Zendesk tickets from Jira.
There is a way to do what you're asking using APIs but I don't suggest it because
1. Your forms and fields set up need to be vetted and worked into the solution to make sure the right forms and fields are set at time creation.
2. If you change your Zendesk forms or fields you will have to revisit the custom code.
3. You need to set the right Group on ticket creation and if your process in Zendesk changes, again you have to revisit the code.
Here's a link to the developer docs. Sorry I couldn't be of more help: https://developer.zendesk.com/api-reference/ticketing/tickets/tickets/#create-ticket
Sunil Gaikwad
Heather Rommel Hi,
Is there a way to get Comments from Jira issue to reflect in Zendesk on the linked ticket as a private comment?
Heather Rommel
Hi Sunil Gaikwad,
I don't know of a way to add each Jira comment automatically. But a Jira user can navigate to the Zendesk tab under Activity and add a comment there. Depending on how you set the integration up, it can show as a public or private comment.
Sunil Gaikwad
Thanks Heather Rommel, We have setup Zendesk activity tab in Jira already but We need the Jira comment to reflect in Zendesk ticket, Thank you.
Hi @Heather Rommel
We already synch the following: When we change Jira status "Backlog" zendesk ticket status will be change to "pending", all status is synching perpectly, the problem is after we set the JIRA status to 'Done" which we set the zendesk ticket status automatically to 'Solved' THEN we revert the JIRA status to ''backlog'" zendesk ticket status will not update automatically to 'pending"
do we need additional parameters or settings to resolved this? thank you
In the side panel in JIRA on the bottom right hand side, you should be able to click on the Zendesk Support dropdown and then click on Add comment to all linked tickets. The comments in here will be added to the Zendesk ticket as a private comment
Janine Jurleit
Hi Heather Rommel,
Thanks for documenting this tip!
Occasionally, we have to link two Jira issues to one ticket in Zendesk. I was hoping this setup would just consider the status update of the most recently updated Jira issue, but it seems to break the setup instead. The status field in Zendesk wasn't updated at all anymore until I removed the second Jira issue again.
Do you have any tips on how to make this work for more than one linked Jira issue?