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Support to search only in the currently active community topic
Gepostet 05. Mai 2022
Feature Request Summary:
Support to search (optionally) only in the currently active community topic:
Description/Use Cases:
We are a global software vendor and we use Zendesk Gather (Copenhagen theme) as Ideas platform for our product lines (= one community topic per product).
We have more than 100 distinct products and therefore have a high number on community topics. Some of our products constantly get more than one idea per day, which means some community topics got confusing due to the number of different ideas.
Our customers and partners asked for the possibility to search just in one community topic instead of searching the whole help center, because it is also no longer possible to scan all previous product ideas before starting a new one.
If it should not be possible to search only within a community topic, it would be an intermediate solution to optionally search only within the community and not get search results from the help center.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
Our customers and partners represent the highest value for our company and therefore it is extremely important to us to meet their feedback regarding efficiency increase and usability.
1 Kommentar
Ryan McGrew
Hey Josef Prandstetter,
This should be possible using scoped search in the community. If you're using the latest version of the Copenhagen theme, there is a simple setting for this. If you're using a customized version of this theme, you would need to add the scoped=true attribute to the search helper on the community templates in your help center theme.