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Trigger Subcategories
Gepostet 18. Mai 2022
Feature Request Summary:
Ability to have subcategories for additional organization capabilities when working with Trigger Categories
Description/Use Cases:
We have 1100+ triggers in our instance and we have noticed that reorganizing triggers within a category is not easy when there are still 400 triggers under a category. Having the ability to have subcategories under the main category would allow us to have additional sorting abilities. ie. Following Zendesk's recommendation, there are 3 categories "Set", "Assign", "Notify". Ideally, we would want to break up our triggers by Brand/Group/Team but still want to have the header "Set", "Assign", "Notify"
- Pencil Group (20 triggers)
- Eraser Group (20 triggers)
- Pencil Group (100 triggers)
- Eraser Group (1 triggers)
- Pencil Group (8 triggers)
- Eraser Group (8 triggers)
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
Choice 1: If we go with limited categories (Set, Assign, Notify) then there are 400 triggers in each category.
- Issue: If you need to rearrange the triggers in a category, you are dragging and dropping those triggers to the specific spots. Especially when you clone triggers in the category, you need to drag and drop the location.
- Issue: Then there is also the loading issues as the categories do not feel like they were designed to have so many triggers under them.
Choice 2: If you were to break up the categories even more by Product then there are 3 categories for each Group/Brand/Team. In our instance, we have 100+ groups which results in 300+ categories where the categories would only have 10+ triggers in each.
ie. One category for each type of: Set-Pencils, Assign-Pencils, Notify-Pencils, Set-Erasers, Assign-Erasers, Notify-Erasers, etc)
- Issue: There are a max of 500 Categories as mentioned by Zendesk
- Issue: You now have many categories you are scrolling through to find the proper Category
- Positive: You are able to bulk move triggers between categories so the drag and drop is less within a Trigger Category as there are fewer triggers to sift through
In both cases, you are either messy within a category or you are messy with categories.
5 Kommentare
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for sharing this feedback with us, Syd! If other users are interested in this or similar functionality, please up-vote Syd's request. If you have additional details to share about why this is needed, please share your thoughts in the comments below.
Rusty Gregory
Sydney Neubauer
As a product designer I appreciate the feedback about what users are struggling with and what would make their job easier. That is an interesting idea about trigger sub categories. Unfortunately it is not on the current road map but I will take not and log it with our Admin experience improvements.
Kalle Windefalk
Totally agree on Sydney Neubauers use case.
Sydney Neubauer
A workaround we have implemented is that we have the categories by group but inside we work our triggers very specifically to get more granular. As you can imagine, that now makes our trigger names 20+ words
Joel Cohen
Hey Sydney, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We apologize for the (very long) delay on our end in providing you with a response to your feature request.
This is a great feature request and I have added it to the backlog for future consideration. This means that we will think about adding it as a priority later in our planning cycle. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases, however please note as is stated in our Community Guidelines that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community.
Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable customer with Zendesk.