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Social Messaging - Post Reference in Ticket


Gepostet 26. Mai 2022

Please allow for some kind of reference to the post the end-user is referencing. For example, a person sends an IG message saying hey, where can I get this? Referencing a story post that is not visible in the ticket. 



2 Kommentare

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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for posting your feedback, Luke, and welcome to the Zendesk Community! 

If other users have similar needs, please be sure to up-vote Luke's post, and to add any details you have in the comments below. If and when there gets to be a critical mass of engagement in this thread, a product manager will join the conversation. 


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Prakruti Hindia

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Luke, 

Fair feedback. We will consider it when we plan improvements to Instagram DM experience. 

- Prakruti


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