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Does "Hours since closed" also catch un-closed tickets?


Gepostet 23. Juni 2022

Looking to setup a View that shows all tickets (of specific criteria) that are un-closed or recently closed. Originally I had intended to use the following "Any" (OR) conditions;

  • Status - Less than - Closed
  • Hours since closed - (calendar) Less than - 24

However, the "Hours since" are not available as "Any" (OR) conditions, so I'm wondering if the "Hours since closed - (calendar) Less than - 24" condition (in the "All" (AND) conditions) will be enough.?.



4 Kommentare

Hi Ryan,
Unfortunately, hours since Closed is only going to show you tickets that have actually been closed, so it won't be compatible with Status less than Closed -- the two together are mutually exclusive, and no tickets will show up in the view.
You'll need to create a separate view to see your recently-closed tickets.


Thanks @..., that's what I was afraid of... After mulling this over a bit more, and remembering that most "workarounds" come back to tags, I could add a "recently_closed" tag to tickets and use an Automation to remove the tag after a certain period of time. I really don't like reaching for tags for everything, but it's an option...


Hey Ryan, unfortunately that won't work either -- once a ticket is Closed, it can't be changed, including tags. 


Well then, seems that I'm at a dead-end with this one. Guess my only hope is that the feature request / feedback gains some traction.


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