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ChatWidgetService Removed in AndroidSDK


Gepostet 18. Juli 2022

Hi Team, 

We were upgrading the Android SDK for Zendesk Chat/Support to the latest versions. While migration we noticed that com.zopim.android.sdk.widget.ChatWidgetService which was available on "com.zopim.android:sdk:1.4.2" is no longer available on the newer v2 SDK.

Is this something completely removed in the newer SDK or is there any alternative for it in v2 SDK ?




1 Kommentar

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Erica Girges

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Swapnil,
Unfortunately, that is no longer supported in the newest SDK version. If you haven't already checked it out, here is the link to our migration guide which should walk you though all the changes including updating dependencies. 
Hope this helps!


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