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The Age of Unsolved Tickets (for Business Days)

Gepostet 25. Juli 2022

Currently, Zendesk only provides default metrics for counting the age of unsolved tickets during calendar days. This article https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408825749786-Explore-recipe-Filtering-reports-by-business-hours can only look at the number of tickets received during business hours. However, that metric doesn't count the age of the business days and is still not enough for me. 

I hope you can customize more on this for business days. It's almost the same but only counts the calendar days:
(IF ([Ticket status - Unsorted] != "Solved" AND [Ticket status - Unsorted] != "Closed")
THEN DATE_DIFF(NOW(), [Ticket created - Timestamp], "nb_of_days")

We need to see how many business days for unsolved tickets. We have to report it to our regulator per 3 months. All this time, we are so manual in excel, and it's so unpractical with time and effort, especially when dealing with thousands of tickets. Hope to hear the good news asap. Thanks!



12 Kommentare


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Eugene Orman

Zendesk Product Manager

Thank you for sharing your feedback. Getting ticket age in business hours is a useful metric indeed. Achieving this metric via a calculation is not possible in Explore. This is a new data point that will need to be generated within the tickets themselves. We will keep this request in mind when we will be adding more metrics to the Support: Tickets dataset. 


I second that. Also need to know the age of unsolved tickets in business days.


I agree. We hold teams accountable to updating customers and to have a report that shows time since last update in business hours/days instead of calendar allows us to report correctly on agent updates and escalate as needed.

I know there is a workaround to create an automation if a ticket goes so many hours without an update from the agent and create a tag and report on the tag, but a metric in reports would be so much easier and would allow us to see the full picture.


Agree 100%.

The large majority of corporate SLAs are prescribed in Business Days.  From a governance view, reporting on Business Hours is far more important than Calendar Hours. 


 - business hours from created to solved

 - business hours a ticket is open 

 - business hours a ticket sits in any status

Particularly, how long is a ticket is in a state of 'pending' customer, or 'escalated'  versus the time a ticket is open. 



This is a blocker for my organization - not being able to calculate date differences based on a business calendar means we are not able to accurately report on the SLAs we've defined. 


Agree. Same for our organisation, we also need to be able to report out by business days/hours.


I'm voting for this too as its a must have!

I can't accurately report on my teams without using the business hours.

Little stumped on why there is a calendar metric for the same but not one for business.

Has anymore created a metric themselves for the business hours? 


Me too, very important metric.


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Chris Wooten

Zendesk Luminary

Any update on this issue?


this is mad that it's not available…. whats the latest zendesk?


Please can you provide update on business hours/business days for unsolved tickets?


Eugene Orman  - is there any update on this topic on by when zendesk explore would have a feature available on ageing tickets by # of business days metrics ? This feature did exist in past when we used Zendesk analytics but not sure why this was wiped off with Zendesk explore.


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