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"Chat with an Agent" not starting chat


Gepostet 17. Aug. 2022

When using AnswerBot + ChatSDK engines on top of the Unified SDK in iOS, an option to Chat with an Agent is available if the user doesn't want to interact with the AnswerBot. However, clicking that does not actually start a chat. 

The user has to type something after clicking that button to start a chat with an agent. Is this expected behavior?

- ZendeskAnswerBotProvidersSDK (2.2.0):
    - ZendeskSupportProvidersSDK (= 5.5.0)
  - ZendeskAnswerBotSDK (2.2.0):
    - ZendeskAnswerBotProvidersSDK (= 2.2.0)
    - ZendeskMessagingSDK (= 3.8.5)
  - ZendeskChatProvidersSDK (2.12.0)
  - ZendeskChatSDK (2.12.0):
    - ZendeskChatProvidersSDK (= 2.12.0)
    - ZendeskMessagingSDK (= 3.8.5)
  - ZendeskCommonUISDK (6.1.4)
  - ZendeskCoreSDK (2.7.0)
  - ZendeskMessagingAPISDK (3.8.5):
    - ZendeskSDKConfigurationsSDK (= 1.1.11)
  - ZendeskMessagingSDK (3.8.5):
    - ZendeskCommonUISDK (= 6.1.4)
    - ZendeskMessagingAPISDK (= 3.8.5)
  - ZendeskSDKConfigurationsSDK (1.1.11)
  - ZendeskSupportProvidersSDK (5.5.0):
    - ZendeskCoreSDK (= 2.7.0)
  - ZendeskSupportSDK (5.5.0):
    - ZendeskMessagingSDK (= 3.8.5)
    - ZendeskSupportProvidersSDK (= 5.5.0)



3 Kommentare

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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Adam,

Can you share code snippets of how you're initializing the chat and answerbot engines? 



I've done this with and without the ZDKSupport SDK to no avail.

NSString *appId = [ReactNativeConfig envFor:@"NX_ZENDESK_APP_ID"];
NSString *clientId = [ReactNativeConfig envFor:@"NX_ZENDESK_CLIENT_ID"];
NSString *zendeskUrl = [ReactNativeConfig envFor:@"NX_ZENDESK_URL"];
[ZDKZendesk initializeWithAppId:appId

// [ZDKSupport initializeWithZendesk: [ZDKZendesk instance]];
[ZDKAnswerBot initializeWithZendesk:[ZDKZendesk instance] support:nil];

NSString *apiUrl = [ReactNativeConfig envFor:@"NX_ZENDESK_API_KEY"];
[ZDKChat initializeWithAccountKey:apiUrl queue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];


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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Adam,

Unfortunately we don't support using a wrapper (like React Native) to interact with the sdk and is most likely why you're running into issues. You can read more about it here

Sorry for the inconvenience!


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