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Ticket side conversation end-user
Gepostet 26. Sept. 2022
We would strongly appreciate if the ticket side conversation could be created also for end-users, and not be limited to agents and groups as it currently is.
We acknowledge that we can manually change the requester later on, but it would make our work easier and faster, if we could create the ticket for an end-user already in the first place. At least we don't see any reason why it could not be possible to adjust the feature that way. Thank you!
6 Kommentare
Hi Sini Juntunen, this is possible to send side conversation but via email and not child tickets.
Please see this Article https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408832279962-Enabling-and-disabling-side-conversations
Under Side Conversation you can enable by ticking the "Enable Email".
Hope this helps!
Sini Juntunen (EMEA partner)
Hi Jahn, thanks for your suggestion. However, we do use email side conversations too. We would like to be able to create the child ticket to an end-user already from the beginning, rather than changing the requester on the ticket afterwards. This would be minor, but very helpful and efficient, feature change for us.
Agreed. For example, a client emails a request and ticket is created. We want to check with the freight company and track that as a seperate ticket, so we would create a side conversation via Ticket, and set the requestor to be our contact at the freight company.
Doing this as a side conversation via email does NOT help us track that conversation with the freight company or comply with any SLA.
+1(00) for this ability to create a side conversation ticket for an end user in the first step.
Yes, we can change the requester later, but the requester must already exist, and you can't create and end user requester in this step and have Zendesk allow it. This adds friction and stress to a process that support agents don't need.
Stephanie Barrett
We would also like to create a side conversation ticket for end users. My team works on tickets that get created via an API connection to a partner of ours. Sometimes we need to connect with someone from that team and want to leverage a side conversation ticket to do so.
The benefits of doing it as a ticket versus an email:
1. The agent can track the separate ticket in their queue.
2. The end user can view the separate ticket from the Help Center request view. This cannot be done when the side convo email feature is used.
Gärtner Pavel (SOLSOL)
We would also like to create a side conversation ticket for end users.
Gärtner Pavel (SOLSOL)
thank you, finally i used “Linked Ticket” addon, which allow us create child ticket and set end user as requester.
so i have deactivated side conversations = practically are hard to helpfull for use , because emails are not to paired to end users contacts +6 no statistics and to tickets is not possible assig n end user as requester.
Unfortunately Zendesk have in many cases/features good idea but this idea is not realized deeply. So this half/functions raise occassion for third party addons , often payed. This is not user-friendly for customers. Some community threads with requests for adding features are on Zendesk for many years without realization.