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Feature Request - SLA Policy Activate and Deactivate
Gepostet 07. Okt. 2022
I would like the capability to activate and deactivate SLA policies. Currently I can only delete a policy which I wish to put on the backburner but may use in the future. I would like a means to preserve these policies as I may have a need to revert during or after testing. My workflow is to analyze PROD SLA data, and build more refined and accurate SLA policies in DEV for testing and any associated triggers and automations before deploying to PROD. This typically means creating new policies to replace the old, however I want to preserve the old policies and not outright delete as I can use that baseline information to look back on former policy or even reinstate if the need were to arise. Please add a feature for activate and deactivate in PROD environments and sandboxes (DEV) much like ticket forms.
2 Kommentare
CJ Johnson
Highly agree, another use case here, we have seasonal SLAs and I would like to preserve the state of things in the off-seasons for those SLAs.
David Brown
For the time being, my workaround is to add some impossible "ALL" condition combos, and being that all of my ticket forms use "type" as an attribute field, I set policy such that "type is question" + "type is task" + "type is problem" + "type is incident" which is impossible to be a positive true situation, conversely this can be done by making an ALL condition using "is not" for conditions that would normally always be present. I however would prefer to not monkey with the policy and try to remember what it was I did to make it non-functional and just archive it as deactivated.