Vor Kurzem aufgerufene Suchen

Keine vor kurzem aufgerufene Suchen

Some very critical improvements you guys have to include

Gepostet 30. Jan. 2023

These improvements are related to online chats

1) sent messages have to have the possibility to be edited or deleted

2) when the user drops the chat, the written content that wasn't sent MUST stay so I could be able to copy and paste it when the same user opens the chat again (it drives you crazy when you write a poem and it disappears suddenly)

3) on the mobile app when you open another agent's chat to view, it's too easy to ACCIDENTALLY join because you do not have a CLEAR button that confirms if you want to join already taken chat! And the user ends up with two agents in chat. And sees all notifications about new joiners. And it's impossible to perform in the desktop version.




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