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How to calculate a SUM metric based off DATE_LAST_FIX of a customer field?


Gepostet 03. Feb. 2023

Hello Community,


I'm stuck on a problem, if you look at the below screenshot:

I have a calculated attribute that has the formula:

DATE_LAST_FIX([Update - Timestamp], [Update ticket ID])

This should calculate the last update of when a custom field was changed and give a timestamp of that final change.

Is it possible that the SUM of the hours will only show the SUM hours for the month of the DATE_LAST_FIX?





1 Kommentar

Hello Jack, 

I had some similar problem with DATE_FIRST_FIX function recently. When creating a query with a calculated attribute using DATE_FIRST_FIX (returning a 1st resolution timestamp) with "update date" time attribute as a time filter on that query, the system found the first time that action happened WITHIN the timeframe selected and NOT within the ticket itself. not sure if this is the same issue for you, but at the time we made it work with a workaround (kept our calculated attribute, but changed our time filter to "ticket solved" so that it wouldnt skew the result). 

Hope this helps, 



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