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Stupid Answer Bot brought our customer terrible experience

Gepostet 16. Feb. 2023

We recently get a bad rating post on poor Answer Bot quality. Customer blame us for wrong translation and irrelevant searching result. You definitely need to improve your Answer Bot.

Here is Customer's complain:


Here's a transcript of today's conversation with the bot.

-- Nachrichten werden automatisch aus der ursprünglichen Sprache übersetzt --
Answer Bot sagt:Vielen Dank, dass Sie Foxit erreicht haben.
Answer Bot sagt:Ich bin der automatisierte Chat-Bot von Foxit. Wie kann ich dir heute helfen?
The bot should either use "Sie" (formal) or "dir" (informal). Mixing the two forms gives a very bad first impression.
Web User 49cb37c451382f8db2d0aaa1 sagt:Where can I report a typo?
Answer Bot sagt:Hier sind einige Beiträge, die vielleicht hilfreich sind:
Where can I get the price details for Foxit products?
Please visit the online store to find the price detail.
How do I disable the Spell Checker?
To disable the Spell Checker, please do the following steps: Open Foxit Reader. Choose FILE > Preferences > Spelling. Uncheck…
What's the price for Foxit PDF SDK?
Please help to fill in an online survey form of Foxit PDF SDK following link, so that we could give you a valid quotation.
None of the articles was helpful in my case. The bot didn't say how I should continue in that case, so I tried a simple "no".
Web User 49cb37c451382f8db2d0aaa1 sagt:no, where can I report a typo?
Answer Bot sagt:Hier sind einige Beiträge, die vielleicht hilfreich sind:
Where can I get the price details for Foxit products?
Please visit the online store to find the price detail.
How do I disable the Spell Checker?
To disable the Spell Checker, please do the following steps: Open Foxit Reader. Choose FILE > Preferences > Spelling. Uncheck…
Where to sign up for the Foxit Newsletter?
Go to www.foxit.com, scroll down to the bottom of the home page. Type in your e-mail address and choose a language in the…
Same articles as before. If they had helped me, I wouldn't have asked again.
Web User 49cb37c451382f8db2d0aaa1 sagt:no
Answer Bot sagt:Vielen Dank, dass Sie Foxit erreicht haben.
Answer Bot sagt:Ich bin der automatisierte Chat-Bot von Foxit. Wie kann ich dir heute helfen?
Did I just reset the chat session by simply saying "no"? That's not helpful either.
Web User 49cb37c451382f8db2d0aaa1 sagt:Drecksding, du verstehst ja gar nix.
Answer Bot sagt:Das habe ich nicht verstanden. Versuchen Sie, Ihre Frage neu zu formulieren, oder versuchen Sie es mit einer dieser Antworten.
It's actually good that the bot doesn't know about German swear words.
Web User 49cb37c451382f8db2d0aaa1 sagt:In den Einstellung ist ein Tippfehler in der deutschen Übersetzung: "sichbar" muss "sichtbar" heißen.

Answer Bot sagt:Das habe ich nicht verstanden. Versuchen Sie, Ihre Frage neu zu formulieren, oder versuchen Sie es mit einer dieser Antworten.

I get the impression that the bot doesn't understand anything at all. Furthermore, the bot mentions "one of these answers" but then doesn't list any answers, so I had to ask again.

Web User 49cb37c451382f8db2d0aaa1 sagt:"einer dieser Antworten"?
Answer Bot sagt:Das habe ich nicht verstanden. Versuchen Sie, Ihre Frage neu zu formulieren, oder versuchen Sie es mit einer dieser Antworten.
Web User 49cb37c451382f8db2d0aaa1 sagt:vergiss es, Dummbratze
It seems that "vergiss es" or the other German swear word resets the chat session as well.
Answer Bot sagt:Vielen Dank, dass Sie Foxit erreicht haben.
Answer Bot sagt:Ich bin der automatisierte Chat-Bot von Foxit. Wie kann ich dir heute helfen?
You cannot, it seems."
(After I explained to him that you based your Answer Bot translation on Google translation and you promised sometime next year you will have a capability to customized wording.)
"Does your answer mean that despite its awful quality, the bot still serves a purpose that is worth enough to keep it? From what I tried, the bot is a complete waste of time, no matter whether in English or in German. Or did I just use the wrong keywords?"

I'm very upset to get this feedback and disappointed at your product. I've tried every method on you help center but Answer Bot is still kind of joke. Why are your new useful features so hard to develop???



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