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Sell: deal_card and lead_card locations missing
Gepostet 17. Mai 2023
Simple demo app, manifest.json just like the example.
App settings shows the location correctly.
All locations work, except lead_card and deal_card:
e.g. on /sales/leads/123456 the app is not loaded (none of the resources requested by the app location .html file show in dev tools, neither can I see the app anywhere)
Do these locations not work anymore or is there a bug somewhere in Zendesk? Or are the docs wrong maybe?
2 Kommentare
Eric Nelson
I see that you've been working with the support team on this issue. I'm going to take over that ticket and continue working with you via that. Apologies for the channel switching!
Anna Devste
Hey, I solved the issue in the meantime. The problem was that the single install app somehow got "unsynced", which meant that "Sell" wasn't showing the changes of the app (when I updated it via API)
Deleting the app and reinstalling it again for all platforms fixed the issue.