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client.invoke("ticket.collaborators.remove") not removing collaborators


Gepostet 31. Mai 2023

for some reason, the ticket.collaborators.remove does not work, the adding works fine. No errors in console, verified to happen with latest mozilla, chrome and edge browsers. The id's are 100% correct.

Any idea why this is the case?

         installationNeedChanged() {

          if (!this.installOrderOptions || this.installOrderOptions.noDevices) {
              // THIS DOES NOT WORK (Console logs the removing collaborators, and no erros but the collaborators are not removed)
              console.log('removing collaborators');
              this._client.invoke("ticket.collaborators.remove", { "id": "367232408557" });
                this._client.invoke("ticket.collaborators.remove", { "id": "367232408417" });

          } else {
              // THIS WORKS correctly
              console.log('adding collaborators');
              this._client.invoke("ticket.collaborators.add", { "id": "367232408557" });
              this._client.invoke("ticket.collaborators.add", { "id": "367232408417" });



2 Kommentare


On my phone so untested (sorry), but might be worth trying with the ids as integers (not in quotes)? That might be the expected format from the docs.



Duh what a stupid mistake! That fixed the issue. Funny that the adding worked even if the data was given as a string tho!


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