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Image gallery filtering "All Images"

Gepostet 09. Juni 2023

With the new image gallery being implemented to articles (June 2023) we now have visibility and access to re-use images. This should be a more efficient way of working. However, selecting "All Images" shows a little too much to be helpful. It is showing all images, across all Help Centres.

For our business this is currently 6 different products and growing. Our images are screenshots, so are specific to our products. Locating an image to re-use is currently impossible with the simple image filename search.

My suggestion is to add some filtering to the All lmages tab, and be able to select which Help Centre the images were uploaded to (at least). I suspect others may suggest additional filters. The more filters available, the easier it is to navigate long collections.

Best regards,



4 Kommentare



image avatar

Lyn Thompson

Zendesk Luminary

This would really help a lot.


It will be very helpful!


I aggree


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