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Report on Tickets Created Between Saturday 1am UTC Time and Monday 1am UTC time


Gepostet 07. Sept. 2023



I am trying to write a standard calculated attritute that will allow me to only see tickets Between Saturday 1am UTC Time and Monday 1am UTC time

I was playing around with the below but I can't get it to work. 

This formula is suppose to check the day of the week (Saturday, Sunday, or Monday) and the hour of the day to determine if a ticket was created within the specified time frame. If any of these conditions are met, it should return 'Yes'; otherwise, it returns 'No'.

IF ([Ticket created - Day of week]) = "Sat" AND ([Ticket created - Hour]) > 1)
OR ([Ticket created - Day of week]) = "Sun"
OR ([Ticket created - Day of week]) = "Mon" AND ([Ticket created - Hour]) < 1) 
THEN 'Yes' 
ELSE 'No' 

I am getting the error messages 'There's an issue with the formula. Check your calculation syntax and try again' 

Any ideas on how to fix it? 



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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Vanessa, 
Thank you for patiently waiting. 
As you are pointing out the specific hours, you needed it on different days (ie: Monday 12am to 1am only) it will require a bit more customization and multiple ELIF nested conditions to work.
Here's an example formula:
IF (IN([Ticket created - Day of week],ARRAY("Saturday", "Sunday"))
AND IN([Ticket created - Hour],ARRAY(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,10,20,21,22,23,24)))
ELIF (IN([Ticket created - Day of week],ARRAY("Monday"))
AND IN([Ticket created - Hour],ARRAY(1)))

The result may look like this: 

Due to limited data from my test account, I'm only getting the above sample. 
Also please note that the timezone will always reference the user profile timezone.
Hope this helps! Thank you. 


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