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Give admins the option for Staff who do not have All Tickets, to still be able to add and view customers
Gepostet 13. Sept. 2023
Having on-boarded my organisation on to support, and not really wanting all agents to be able to see all tickets, i ensured they could only see their own tickets. In doing so, they lost the ability to be able to add or view customers, which seems mad! Why should changing ticket access to tickets from All Tickets to anything else, stop an agent being able to create a proactive ticket, and not be able to add a Customer (end user). This access option is clearly only ticket related. If its affecting anything else, that needs to be spun out into its own permissions set, and your customers shouldn't be forced to buy enterprise to effectively mitigate a very poor design decision.
2 Kommentare
Shawna James
Hello, we are interested in a similar feature.

We also create proactive tickets, and we are also in the enterprise plan but my option giving agents both “add” and “edit” permissions.
This solves the user creation issue however, as a business, it is concerning for us to give “edit” permission.
Agents should be able to add users, but editing should be a separate option.