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ZD Explore Built-in metric: Display how long a ticket HAS BEEN SPENDING in its CURRENT status
Gepostet 18. Sept. 2023
Hi, ZD
ZD Explore has a built-in metric to get the duration on how long a ticket HAS STAYED in a specific status (via Duration - Field Changes metric in the Support: Updates History Dataset).
Requesting to display how long a ticket HAS BEEN SPENDING in its CURRENT status, please? Thank you.
3 Kommentare
Shawna James
Trisha Kate Nagano
Hi, Shawna
Use Case: Identify how long a ticket has been idle in a specific queue, so that the right tier will be tapped for follow up.
We have also created custom statuses for our main tiers (i.e., Open Connectivity status means for our T2 IntOps support, Open Engineering status for our T3 Engineering support).
So, with the requested built-in metric, for example ticket #123456 has been in the Open Connectivity status for 10 days, the company can easily monitor this and follow up T2 IntOps on the ticket.
Currently, we do not have this functionality. We only have filters in ZD Support Views to filter tickets that has been idle for x days for the ZD default statuses (i.e., via Hours since Open/Pending/On-Hold/Solved/Closed), but the duration on how long the ticket has been sitting in a specific queue is not available. We want to be able to see this in the dashboard as well (ZD Explore).
Thank you.
Shawna James