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Allow redaction from Merged ticket notes

Gepostet 17. Okt. 2023

What caused the issue?
If you merge one ticket into another it creates a new comment. If the merged comment contains an attachment, then that's included in the merged data.
If you then redact content from the first ticket, the second ticket doesn't follow suit, the attachment is now hardcoded on the second ticket.
The options to interact with this comment (specifically redact) are not available, the DIV that would contain the dropdown for the redact action doesn't exist for the merged comment.

How I got around it
I used the comments api to track down the comment and attachment ID in the new ticket, and made a call to the redact API to kill the attachment, which has worked.

The fix
The Redact option should be made available for merged ticket content.

Here's my python script for future encounterers of the issue:
import requests

# Zendesk credentials and endpoint
ZENDESK_EMAIL = '{EmailAddress}'
ZENDESK_ENDPOINT = 'https://{ZendeskName}.zendesk.com/api/v2'

def redact_attachment(ticket_number, comment_id, attachment_id):

# Form the redact URL
redact_url = f"{ZENDESK_ENDPOINT}/tickets/{ticket_number}/comments/{comment_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/redact"

# Make the request to redact the attachment
response = requests.put(redact_url, auth=AUTH)

# Check for errors

return response.json()

ticket_number = int(input("Enter the ticket number: "))
comment_id = int(input("Enter the comment ID: "))
attachment_id = int(input("Enter the attachment ID: "))

response = redact_attachment(ticket_number, comment_id, attachment_id)



3 Kommentare


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Anunay Sinha

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Max Vinten

Thanks for reaching out to us. We have this item in our backlog, but it hasn't been roadmapped for a specific release yet. We have taken note of your ask and will prioritize it for soon. Once we do, we will be sure to share them with you.




Bumping this now that the changes to the Agent Workspace are happening. Is this something that has/is/will be implemented?


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Mary O'Neill

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Nathan Chawey-Nartey,

Thanks for your comment. Merged ticket redaction is on our roadmap with no precise ETA just yet. We will update this post when the feature has been selected for development and a more accurate timeline is available. In the meantime we recommend redacting content before merging tickets.


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