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Zendesk API 외에 Zendesk에 설치한 APP를 호출하는 API가 있나요?
Gepostet 23. Jan. 2024
Zendesk API 외에 Zendesk에 설치한 APP를 호출하는 API가 있나요?
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Gepostet 23. Jan. 2024
Zendesk API 외에 Zendesk에 설치한 APP를 호출하는 API가 있나요?
3 Kommentare
Zendesk primarily provides the Zendesk API for interactions with Zendesk functionalities, including tickets, users, and organizations. Specifically calling apps installed within Zendesk through a public API is not a feature provided by Zendesk at this time.
If you are looking to integrate with or trigger actions in a third-party app installed in Zendesk, it's recommended to refer to the documentation of that particular app. Each app may have its own API or webhooks to facilitate interactions.
Please note that features and integrations may evolve, so for the most current information, we advise checking the Zendesk API documentation and the documentation of the specific apps you're interested in. Additionally, exploring Zendesk Marketplace is a good way to discover apps that offer specific integrations or functionalities. If you have further questions, feel free to reach out to Zendesk support or you may directly contact the maker of the third-party app for assistance.
관리자 관리자
저희 쪽에서 확인된 것으로는 Zendesk 토큰으로 Zendesk에 붙어있던 타 앱을 실행시켰고 이로 인해 타앱의 API가 실행되어 정보가 유출된 것으로 확인됩니다. 혹시 API로 Zendesk APP을 읽어온 뒤 해당 앱을 실행시킬 방법은 없을까요?
Thank you for reporting the security concern. Unauthorized access to the Zendesk APP using the API to run another app is not a supported feature and goes against our security policies. To address this issue, I recommend reaching out to Zendesk Support directly with detailed information about the incident, including logs and error messages. To guide you through the appropriate steps and work towards a resolution. Your prompt action is appreciated.