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Automate Ticket based on customer update
Gepostet 01. März 2024
Looking for a way to make a ticket bold when a customer provides an update. Is there a way to do this?
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Gepostet 01. März 2024
Looking for a way to make a ticket bold when a customer provides an update. Is there a way to do this?
7 Kommentare
Shawna James
Daniel Dallimore
Hey Kylene Carpenter when you say you are looking for a way to make a ticket bold are you looking to make the font bold or highlight to an agent that a customer has responded, and if so on which channels?
Kylene Carpenter
Yes. I want the font to be bold. Either the subject line or the agent. I know this would be some type of trigger, just not sure how to set that up. I want the ticket to appear bold from any of our Standard Field Views.
Brandon Tidd
While I'm not if this is possible presently - you might be able to take advantage of Custom Ticket Statuses to achieve a similar result.
Stephan Marzi
Hi Kylene,
have you ever tried to build up follow up marking and triggers? We are also differing the internal and external messages:
Daniel Dallimore
Hey Kylene, as mentioned above I don't believe this is possible within Zendesk to change the font style based on a response.
You could use triggers to change a ticket status when a customer responds. This would highlight to your agents that a ticket needed their attention. You could also use custom ticket statuses if you wanted to provide more information to agents.
Roger Souza