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Can't replace a suggested reply with a capital letter
Gepostet 11. Juni 2024
Hi team!
I recently found a UI bug in suggested reply functionality. Steps to reproduce;
1. Open any ticket with suggested reply.
2. Start typing own reply with capital letter. It will be impossible as UI doesn't let us do this action.
You can press arrows (left, right) or ESC button to reject the suggested reply and then start typing from the capital letter.
2 Kommentare
Nicholas Sementelli
My users are also experiencing this error. It only happens when you hold SHIFT and a letter key, turning on CAPS LOCK allows the capital letter to be typed as normal.
Susan Paolatto
I just want to add that not allowing the user to type that first upper case letter results in typos since the first letter is blocked but the agent can continue to type the rest of the word. So “Hello” becomes “ello” or “Hi” becomes “i”. Yes there are work arounds, but they are just extra clicks that our agent's don't like.