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Install/Uninstall ZAF application event

Gepostet 08. Juli 2024

I am developing a ZAF app that communicates with a backend.

During installation, I want to call an external endpoint to notify my backend about the ZD instance.

During uninstallation, I want to call a different endpoint to inform my backend that this instance is no longer using the app.

I reviewed the Events section in the documentation (https://developer.zendesk.com/api-reference/apps/apps-core-api/core_api/#events) but could not find the specific events I expected, such as onInstall and onUnInstall.

I noticed there are events for channel apps, such as create_integration_instance, destroy_integration_instance, deactivate_integration_instance, and activate_integration_instance, which can be achieved through the event_callback.

Could you please assist me with how to achieve this for the support apps?



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