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We’re setting up triggers for NRT and TTR but can’t find "Hours since last SLA breach" in the conditions.

Gepostet 30. Aug. 2024

We're trying to create two triggers or automations—one to tag a Next Reply SLA breach and another for a TTR SLA breach. Our goal is to use these tags to send separate notifications to Slack.

However, we’ve run into a limitation: the conditions for 'Next Reply SLA breach' or specific 'SLA Metrics' are not available in the automation conditions (ALL/ANY). Instead, we only see two options: 'Hours until next SLA breach' and 'Hours since last SLA breach.' This absence makes it impossible to distinguish between Next reply time and TTR, as we want to tag these SLA breaches as intended.

Since we're on an Enterprise plan, I'm unsure why these options aren't available. Could you please confirm if the specific SLA metrics (like Next Reply Time and TTR) should be accessible in our triggers or automations?



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