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Bulleted List with Checkboxes

Gepostet 21. Dez. 2024

Feature Request Summary

The regular bulleted list and numbered bulleted list are both very helpful. I would like to have checkboxes as an option, too. 

Like this one ☐

Use Case

I'm an academic advisor. I want to create a checklist for my students to have a clear set of requirements to declare a major/minor or submit a proposal. 

Business impact of limitation or missing feature

Bullet points gives my students the impression that they only need to complete some requirements to declare their major, even if I state in writing that all requirements need to be met.


Numbered bullet points gives my students the impression that they only need to complete one requirement out of the whole list.


The visual of checkboxes helps them understand that they need to complete all requirements rather than just a few requirements in the list.


Yes, I can just copy and paste the ☐ at the beginning of each line to create my own checkboxed list like this:

☐ Test

☐ Test

☐ Test


But if a sentence/phrase exceeds one line, the list will not be indented properly because it is not a real bulleted point. 


Other necessary information or resources

The Program Declaration Checklists on Page 10 of 21 are examples of what I would like to transfer over to the Help Center (Guide): ww3.math.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/2024-2025-Undergraduate-Handbook-Department-of-Mathematics-Version-5.pdf



2 Kommentare

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Emily Reidy

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey Trisha,
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!


Hi Trisha Tran,

I just did some testing around and you should be able to use custom CSS to make this happen.  If you have a developer resource available, she should be able to accomplish this by customising the CSS in Zendesk.  Otherwise, if you want to give it a shot we can try to help you in the community.

I know this isn't as easy as if Zendesk provided a default option, but it is nice that Zendesk lets us access the code so we can make customisations that they don't support natively.


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