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Gary Donoghue

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Gary Donoghue hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

KommentarEnd users and organizations

Once an organisation is set up the only way of viewing on data related to it is to search on the organisation name. There is NO tab for simply selecting organisations or users from a dashboard list. Don't ask me why? Again I've asked and sadly been met with silence. 


Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 02. Aug. 2021 · Gary Donoghue







Gary Donoghue hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

KommentarEnd users and organizations

Hi Noe,

It's not obvious as the ZD dashboard doesn't offer a standard way of viewing organisations - you have to firstly Add a new Organisation and then fill in the fields that way. Of course the Organisation itself isn't directly connected to a Ticket (don't ask! I've been asking the same question for years without any response) but IS implicitly connected by virtue of a User (Requester) and the fact that you CAN connect such a user to an Organisation. 

Why there isn't more of this relational ability between Ticket, User and Organisation is something that only ZD can answer. Or in ZD's case: not answer it. I've even attended Webex Product updates and asked this question and been ignored. 

Such a pity as I really like ZD but this aspect is a huge weakness and I just don't understand why other customers don't raise it as an issue. 

Anyway, I hope this helps. 



Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 02. Aug. 2021 · Gary Donoghue







Gary Donoghue hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

KommentarEnd users and organizations

For the record here is a link to another thread on the forum that relates to this topic...


Many Thanks


Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 05. Feb. 2021 · Gary Donoghue







Gary Donoghue hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

KommentarEnd users and organizations

Hi Fred,

If only! I've been asking for this for a while now - to me it seems obvious, based on relational database principles, to be able to utilise the supposedly tight connections that exist between organisation/customer->user(ticket requester)->ticket - yet it seems ZD does not provide any way of achieving this at present. 

My perspective on this, as a worked example, is that we support a number of organisations that use our products and, if it were possible, when creating a ticket, I'd be able to map the product (and its release level) to the ticket based on that 1-< relationship. Yet frustratingly (and incredulously - I'll be honest) I cannot do this. Instead I have to duplicate that same data into the ticket each time (via its own 'product' field) and then check/assess the current release level of the product by verifying the organisation to establish that. 

I do really love ZD but I find this lack of integration across the 3 (there are only 3) key object types (Organisation/User/Ticket) one of its main and significant weaknesses. 

Alas, I do still find the ZD enhancement process somewhat opaque too so I have no idea if this is even or ever going to be considered but I do wonder if other ZD customers find this incredibly limiting and frustrating as me. 

Just my 'two penneth'...

Take care

Gary Donoghue

Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 05. Feb. 2021 · Gary Donoghue







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Community-Kommentar Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Hi Raman. Many thanks for adding. Hopefully a few more people will join in too. Take care. 

Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 19. Juni 2020 · Gary Donoghue







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Community-Kommentar Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Hi Amie,

Many thanks for coming back to me so promptly - much appreciated. Before responding I should, perhaps, provide the wider context of this post into the Support feedback forum...namely https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/204625618-Add-custom-Organisation-Fields-to-Tickets and community moderator Devan's https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/profiles/379574987874-Devan response to it viz...

Hello Raman Kalia & Gary Donoghue,

These are phenomenal posts from both of you that breakdown your use cases perfectly. I'm going to be passing this along to our product managers, but I can't stress enough that sharing this in our product feedback forum would be helpful for other users and our product team. It is where we keep conversations on topics like this and often where our PMs look for use cases from the community.

In your response you mention the relationship between organisations and users which I am clear about (as ZD allows organisations to be defined (based on domain name(s)) and users then connected to that organisation. A user can then be connected to a ticket via various means, the ultimate reference being the 'requester' - so, yes, the dots are connected...but perhaps, to push the analogy a bit further, they are just a little faint than I would expect or prefer them to be.

The main point of my contribution in this discussion on the original forum posting was that there is valuable OTHER data contained/stored within an organisation (and a user for that matter) that would be useful to see appear within a ticket itself. I cite an example of our own...the 'release level' of our software a specific customer is using. This is useful information we like to store on a ticket yet it is NOT presently possible for me to do this via the relationship the requester (user) has to an organisation (he/she belongs to) and the 'release level' field stored for that organisation. Each time a ticket is created we have to check the value of the Release level field in Organisation to make sure it is transposed onto the denormalised Release level field within a ticket. 

So while the underlying architecture of Organisation-
I hope this helps clarify the requirement further and also provide some wider context. 

Kindest Regards

Gary Donoghue


Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 16. Juni 2020 · Gary Donoghue







Gary Donoghue hat einen Post erstellt

Post Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

We have a situation here where, on creation of a new ticket, I can enter a customer reference (Customer - a field with a set of values I have to pre-populate within the Ticket fields) which is simply duplicated data from the list of Organisations we interact with. I also have some site specific information that, ideally, I'd see populate the Ticket field I have also created for that purpose...an example...

Release Level (a field indicating the customer/organisation's) latest release of our software they are using. 

At present this creates additional effort to ensure the non-denormalised data from Organisation is transposed into the Ticket field as well as having to maintain a interal (Ticket) list of possible value (for both Customer and Release Level). I have other fields but these are just key examples. 

As software developers ourselves using relational databases it seems counter-intuitive to have to do this with the native ZenDesk offering - you imagine that it'd simply be a given that you'd be able to drop an organisation and user field into the ticket definition allowing you to select from the valid values (or have items prefilled accordingly...i.e. I enter Organisation 'Name' in my Ticket and ZD recognises another field from Organisation is defined to the ticket (Release Level) and pre-populates based on that KEY field from that row in the Organisation list. 

This functionality clearly exists in some form when one creates/maintains a ticket because you can alter the Requester (for a ticket) and this IS obtainable from your presently defined User list. It does not make sense to me that this level of interaction does not exist between the 3 key aspects of ZD Support: Organisation, User and Ticket and the simple relationship that exists between them: 


The denormalised and valuable data should, in my view, be 'inherited' by a Ticket if so desired. 

I enjoy my use of ZD and it has personally helped me significantly organise my support desk workload but this limitation is a continuing mystery to me and is definitely a cause of frustration as it slows ticket creation and maintenance due to my constant need to verify the non-denormalised data for accuracy. 

It would be great if ZD offered this capability to, as I titled my post, fully 'join up the dots' of the key items of CRM data: organisations, our users who work for them and the support tickets they raise. 

Kindest Regards

Gary Donoghue

Gepostet 15. Juni 2020 · Gary Donoghue







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Community-Kommentar Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

I continue to be rather surprised (and disappointed) at the lack of visibility or priority being attached to what, to me, seem like fairly basic requirements for the front end of a CSM system - you'd expect to have a customisable dashboard to help optimise your workflow. I've been having a look at AirTable recently and I could do with that, in 5 minutes, what I fundamentally expect from my subscription based service with ZenDesk...namely configurable front ends, ability to store customer contact information and cross relate this to fields within my ticket views - hardly difficult concepts in a relational system but, with ZenDesk, such obvious connections and denormalised data are not seemingly possible...leading to data duplication, entry errors and wasted effort. 

I feel these are weaknesses that are holding back ZenDesk, at least for small organisations like ourselves, that cannot justify the Enterprise level subscription but still want to make use of the stability and security of the ZenDesk architecture. However, functionally, ZenDesk still leaves a lot to be desired and this apparent inability (or indifference?) to improve matters continues to undermine ZenDesk for would be evangelists like me. 

It certainly makes it harder to drive acceptance of the tool internally when I have to advise my colleagues that they have no way of relating a customer list with a ticket one - a basic requirement of most CSM systems. 

I do hope that ZenDesk start to take note. 


Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 22. Nov. 2019 · Gary Donoghue







Gary Donoghue hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

Community-Kommentar Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Many thanks for the update Nicole. Much appreciated. Do you have any idea when the first elements of this agent interface update will be deployed? Will it be a phased update or simply a significant functional upgrade in one big launch? Will we have the opportunity to beta test anywhere and offer feedback before any GCA release? 

If there is a roadmap for this aspect of the ZD product offering it'd be useful to have this as additional context too methinks if at all possible.

Kindest Regards

Gary Donoghue

Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 30. Juli 2019 · Gary Donoghue







Gary Donoghue hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

Community-Kommentar Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Does anyone else not think it decidely odd that this discussion about a customisable dashboard has been ongoing now for over 6.5 years! I'm a relatively new user to ZD but some of the (missing) functionality does strike me as very strange in this context. And I'd also like to fully understand the enhancement process at work within ZD if something as fundamental as the opening screen for users of ZD has not seen any major reworking or improvement since this thread first opened in a previous epoch. 

Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 18. Juni 2019 · Gary Donoghue





