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Nicole Putman

Beigetreten 16. Mai 2021


Letzte Aktivität 16. Feb. 2022

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Neueste Aktivität von Nicole Putman

Nicole Putman hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

Community-Kommentar Feedback - Help Center (Guide)

This is my upvote!

Our use case context:


  • We are using our SSO to provision our end users “location” as the “Organization” in our system. We want to use this location tag/data to build user segments off of, as different regions need different guide articles.
  • We also want to build user segments based on Job/role (provided by SSO as well.)


Example situation:

  • Let’s say we have two regions- NY and NJ
  • Let’s say we have two job levels- Teacher and Dean


Current Zendesk behavior:

I have an article that I need to have all “NY”+“Dean” users to be able to see.

  • The “Visible to” option in the Article settings is a one choice dropdown that only allows us to select the “NY” or “Dean” user segments
  • This means we now have to create multiple user segments
    • NY
    • NJ
    • Dean
    • Teacher
    • NY Teacher
    • NJ Teacher
    • NY Dean
    • NJ Dean
  • If there are multiple Regions and roles (which is our actual truth, we have 58 schools, across 6 regions...) this has become wildly unmanageable!


Desired Zendesk Guide behavior:

I have an article that I need to have all “NY”+“Dean” users to be able to see.

  • The “Visible to” option in the Article settings is a multi-select dropdown that would allow us to select the “NY” and “Dean” user segments
  • It should also have the typical Zendesk “any” and “all” option that would ensure only end users that fit both of the User Segments can see it if the segments are selected under the “all” section

This would eliminate the need to create so many specific segments to cover all Roles and Regions, etc.


Please do this! 

Thank you!

Kommentar anzeigen · Bearbeitet 16. Feb. 2022 · Nicole Putman







Nicole Putman hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

Community-Kommentar Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)


I want to add, as we are about to move our HR Team into our main instance from their own do to work overlap and reporting needs, there is another issue that has no resolution:

If a non-HR Team Agent in Zendesk sends in a ticket to HR Support in this new joint instance environment, because they are on the ticket as the requester, they have access to the ticket. But, worse, as an Agent in Zendesk, they can see the private notes that are being entered by the HR team. This is a big issue, especially in Employee relations situations.


Laid out:

  • Agent A is in Brand for IT- Cannot see HR Brand tickets
  • Agent A sends a ticket in for a personal issue to HR support

Issue: As a requester, Agent A can see this new ticket in Zendesk by looking at their requested tickets, including all HR Agent private notes on tickets, even though the ticket is not in their Brand.


There should be a way to restrict agent access further inside Brand to allow for end-user experience for Agents in Zendesk when sending support requests to other teams.

It could be an additional field under the Role settings:

Restricting their access as a requester, removing the ability to see private notes out of Brand unless added as a follower or cc'd.


Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 28. Jan. 2022 · Nicole Putman





